🔥How I reached $764 in revenue in 2 months with my first SaaS


New member
This is my first time launching my own SaaS. I planned to develop it with a friend, but he refused to work with me because I'm not a developer. We disagreed on what was more important: development or marketing.

My results after 2 months from scratch:

- Website: SocLeads

- Product: Scrape emails from Google Maps, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, X, and YouTube with keywords and hashtags

- Revenue (total): $764

- MRR: $370

How did I achieve this?

I hired a developer who made me an MVP for 1 month and $1300. Then I started studying marketing. Before that, I only had experience in enterprise sales. SaaS marketing was new to me.

I used several channels and got the following results:

- Google Ads (1,153 visits, 8 paid users, $600 costs). I'm waiting for a $500 promotion from Google, but they ignore me. How do you get it?

- Reddit (653 visits, 3 paid users, free)

- IndieHackers (281 visits, 2 paid users, free)

- Product Hunt (177 visits, 14th place for the day, 2 paid users, free)

I will be glad to receive feedback and any suggestions for marketing.
@strength01 I really like your idea and your niche. I believe there are a lot of people who will use your service.

Try to target shopify owners and Facebook users. I think you might have a lot of clients
@strength01 There is a subreddit called shopify, you can start from it. But I highly recommend Facebook and Tiktok as there are a lot of shopify people there, because a lot of them make their sales from Ads on those platforms.

You need to target them, I never did it personally, but I think it's a great idea that can help you get more profits.
@strength01 What do you mean ChatGPT api? I think he meant where are you getting your data? I’m impressed with the functionality for only paying $1300. Where did you find your contractor?
@emoore5009 Video generated by AI.

I think it's too early for metrics. If you ask for a specific metric that can be calculated over 2 months, I will calculate it. I can say that 3 users switched from a cheaper plan to a more expensive one.

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