🛫 Here is how not to get jet lag on a business trip. 🛬


New member
💁‍♂️ Hey folks, I love this community and I want to give as much value as possible. So as I travel a lot for business and I thought I’d share a few tips that have helped me and you might find useful as well if you also do business trips.

If you’re on your way to fly make sure to get a screenshot of it so you won’t loose it.
  1. You won’t experience Jet lag when traveling from West to East.
  2. When you have been flying for more than 14 hours, go out like you would any other day and then your sleep cycle will be back to normal.
  3. An extra hour of sleep for each time zone you cross will be enough for you.
  4. create a routine before bedtime and continue with the routine while you trave. Example: In the evening eat a small snack, change your clothes to pajamas, brush your teeth, pray, and go to bed. This routine should be followed exactly as it is when you also land in another time zone.
  5. Dim the lights and keep the temperature cool in the hotel room.
  6. Decrease Stimulation - bluish screens tend to alert the mind so if you want to use your phone or laptop which I don’t recommend, do it on night mode.
🗺️ How often do you travel? 🧳
Not true. Jet lag is also caused by the lower cabin pressure and sometimes dehydration.

If that were true, we'd get it more when travelling in the same timezone (e.g. North->South) but this doesn't tend to happen. I'm sure the factors you mention are relevant (plus travelling is tiring generally), but I'd argue sleep/wake cycle disruption is the larger part.

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