🧠 Indie Masterminds are back


New member
Hello Folks 👋

I piloted the mastermind program last month with 12 people. (I even made a post here)

Happy to report that there have some amazing results after the first month.

Everyone has got tremendous clarity in their work because of the hot seat sessions.

Depending on each individual's challenges, we've discussed every aspect of solopreneurship -
  • Finding a niche
  • Product Ideas
  • Validation
  • Pricing
  • Positioning
  • Sales and Marketing
The whole range.

1 of the members reached $0-$200 MRR within 3 weeks of his hot seat 🤩

You can read more testimonials here, here and here.

And a detailed review in this thread.

I've opened registrations for August.

If you want to join, then make sure you apply the code - "early_bird" for a 50% discount 👇

Join Indie Masterminds

You will get all the details about the program on that page.

But here's the gist of it -

You become a part of a group of 4 founders.
  • Every week the group meets for an hour long zoom call.
  • 1 founder has a hot seat every call.
  • They can share their challenges, pain points, new ideas.
  • Rest of the group brainstorms solutions to their problems during the call.
  • This repeats every week for 4 weeks.
  • There's a slack community for asynchronous feedback and accountability for your weekly goals.
There's an external facilitator (me) to manage the logistics so the experience is hassle free for members.

Groups are assigned based on time zones, business model and business stage.

It's mainly for 3 types of solopreneurs:
  • SaaS founders
  • Content Entrepreneurs
  • Service Business Owners (Freelancers, Consultants, Agencies etc.)
So if you fall into any of these categories, or if you're in a 9-5 job and want to eventually become a solopreneur then you will find value in the program.

I'm also introducing async chat hot seats, 1:1 founder intros and co-working sessions very soon.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions around what you will like to see in the program.

