0 to 1,000 users in 25 days - Lean Growth Hacks for a SaaS startup


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Our SaaS tool was built with the idea of making software product development more developer friendly through better UI/UX and better performance. The tool was a direct competition of established Atlassian products, so competing against them by bidding higher on google adwords or facebook ads was not an option for us.

So, we tried a few lean growth hacks to grow from 0 to 1,000 users. It can be useful for anyone running a SaaS business.

Our hacks included -
  1. Launching on ProductHunt and getting featured
  2. Attending offline tech meetups
  3. Listing on software directories
  4. Twitter Buzz
  5. Content Marketing
More details here - https://blog.codegiant.io/how-a-saas-startup-got-its-first-1-000-users-de0d719a45fa
@alabamawriter84 Have you ever considered CX as a growth hack? In our hyper pluralistic, uber-competitive (pun intended) world, well-designed customer experience is a key differentiator and growth hack because it increases the viral growth coefficient and elevates the amount that consumers are willing to pay. The possibilities with this are endless...perhaps including CX strategies in a chat bot while also collecting customer data would be a solid growth tool.
@starburst3316 Absolutely. This is true to the core.

Our product did go through multiple iterations of customer feedback and product improvements before we launched. Even post-launch feedback was very important for us and we are still improving our product to make it more customer friendly :)

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