$0 to $100k in 6 Months. Here's what I learnt along the way


New member
I started an online (solo) business in January that recently crossed $100k in revenue and is on track to do $7.5k profit this month.

Below I've shared the most important things I've learnt on my journey in the hope you find them useful.

1) Emotions

There will be times when you're feeling on top of the world. There will be times when you doubt yourself and want to give it all up. This is completely NORMAL. Over time you will learn to control your emotions and get used to the rollercoaster!
Make sure you aren't making any heat of the moment decisions whilst you're emotional, take a step back and allow yourself some thinking time.

2) Doubling down

Double down on your winners. By all means experiment and try out new things, but when you have a winning formula double down.

3) Be comfortable with being uncomfortable

In the early days of being an entrepreneur you will feel out of your depth. Again, this is NORMAL. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is how you truly grow and learn. If you don't feel uncomfortable, you aren't dreaming big enough.

4) Health

I won't turn this into a Huberman post, but having a healthy diet, solid sleep schedule and doing regular exercise is probably the biggest ROI 'life hack'. You'll feel 10X better and will see results across all aspects of your life.

5) Passion wins

Whilst I agree passion is not relevant for all businesses (plenty of people make ridiculous money with boring businesses), I'd strongly recommend having some sort of passion and interest in the area. It will make the fun times feel like a blast and the bad times feel less like the end of the world.

6) You will take Ls.

In month 1 I took an L that wiped out 20% of my starting capital ($400/$2k). The most important thing is picking yourself up, learning from your mistake and getting back to work. As Alex Hormozi says "pay your ignorance tax"!

7) You can change your life really quickly.

It's crazy how life works and how quickly it can change. I'm not one for this 'monk mode' YouTube clickbait but seriously. Get your head down and implement positive lifestyle changes. You'll be amazed at how much you can achieve in a short period of time.

My DMs are always open for people looking for advice/ help.

Good luck champs, see you in the arena.


Important context- i’m 25 years old and have a full time job as a product/data analyst.

Don’t get too caught up comparing yourself with all these 21 year old ‘millionaires’ you see online. It’s a tiny fraction of reality.

Your time will come!
@lisa7986 Few questions, if you dont mind!

Single product? Multiple products?

Any methods to finding the right product(s) within your niche?

And what differentiates your product(s) from others?
@uktom Multiple products.

Choose a market where you’re a participant. Much easier to find solutions when you know first hand what the problems are.
@koeyyap The pitch is having people contact him through DMs so he can sell them something else. Not sure what the scam product nowadays is but I'm kinda curious what he pitches in the DM. No one pitches in the actual description post anymore.

This post is filled with ambiguous feel good advice that is just meant to capture people who are looking for motivation who happen to have some capital and a dream of starting a business. He even name drops hormozi for good measure since the dude is trending.
@613jono Still a great post without a direct “elevator pitch”. Very effective and if you’re looking for an opportunity, you can reach out. I like it lol
@613jono I've basically stopped posting my own experiences because of just this.

I don't need leads from subreddits, I am just looking for advice or opinions (maybe some kudos from sharing) but inevitably the DMs and chat requests start coming. So it can do what OP might be aiming for, but there are much better ways to market a product or service.
@ericlawrence I mean I tried to actually help people in the dm but then they just end up in some loop where they don't want to hear the actual solutions.

It's kinda pointless tbh. In the end people are the only one who can solve their problems and if they have the emotional capacity to solve them, they'd probably end up doing it themselves since most problems aren't difficult to solve, people just don't want to do the painful thing that will solve their problem.

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