1 month update: I'm 30 and starting my first business


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Recap: I'm thirty, and just launched my first website: https://www.topdigitalmarketingcompany.com/?utm_source=reddit

Thanks for all the feedback (positive and negative) it's really helped me. I've been consistently dedicating 6 hours a week to it. I did a few freebie audits for friends. Now here's where i've hit a wall... i'm still struggling to get (paying) leads. I've advertised on a number of adboards including craigslist, I've also sent out my first mass email campaign to (160) local SMEs. I've not got a single lead yet.

Peace and love, Big D.
@newberrycelia Not surprising. Although I applaud the lack of vapid eye candy, there is no attempt at making the content more informative or even worth reading.

If you have component services post the list. Don't force me to invest another click when the first one didn't work out too well.

I do not care if there was an audit when you won't tell me if the audit caused action and what the results of that audit were.

Finally digital marketing. Make the term mean something other than you were too lazy to spell out web design, PPC, SEO and so on. Most potential clients have SEO people. They have PPC people. They have web design people.

Exceptions are startups who can't pay and the Amish, a community that wants nothing to do with electricity or the online world. Please tell me your target market is neither the unpaying or the unwilling.

So you have to have a succinct explanation why people should switch to an unknown entity with let's just check About Us -- yes, a completely unknown entity with no About Us page.

Digital marketing tip: Know what an about us page is and is not for. Why people go there and what they expect to find.

Frankly Why the Hell a Web Audit could replace your whole top page. Because that's disjointed little crapplets.

Your Digital Marketing Agency should have three case histories with very specific goals. You have three company names, not one iota of information, and no customer testimonials. You fail Content Marketing.

The site does nothing to exemplify the components you've thrown a tarp over. Including local SEO. You can bet each SME has people to do anything they think is important, and have no interest in anything else.

The startup digital agency should know enough to understand the reason there are splinter groups in PPC, SEO, Content Writing, Web Design, SMM. Then counter the inevitable objection the Jack of All Trades is Master of None.

Calling this digital marketing isn't the cunning ratlike ploy many think. Online Marketing. Marketing 2.0. Now Digital Marketing. You people weary me. You don't know enough for your own site but are master at giving everyone else advice about theirs.

Internet Business. An educated consumer is our most lethal enemy.
@dsx Thanks! I agree with you! You've put more effort into your comment than i have of my content. I was focusing on other aspects of the biz, but you're right, i should concentrate on my site's copy.
@newberrycelia When I click About Us, I do not expect the page Why the hell an audit.

That's not just an error. That can signal you're being evasive about your backgrounds and undermines your authority, hence the perceived value of the advice.

I was focusing on other aspects of the biz

Given zero clients, that raises far too many questions than I have time for.
@newberrycelia Your website is awful. It's busy and full of words. It makes me dyslexic just looking at it.

What is your unique selling proposition in 1 sentence or less? What is your call to action? Stop telling me why I need a car and instead tell me where I can go. And stop trying to sell me an audit which I can get on my own. The audit could be a loss leader to get your foot in their door, not the end game unless you plan to compete with MOZ or AHRefs.

As a "Marketing" company, you should know this stuff.

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