10 ideas a day. Day 4: Areas of life in which you have changed your mind


New member
@mrbigbluff21, @Nodirbekcool and yours truly have been doing 10 Ideas a Day routine for 3 days now. With intermitting success, of course.


Q. What the fuck is it all about?

A. James Altucher says coming up with 10 ideas a day for 180 days makes you super-creative: here

Q. Can I join?

A. Hell ya! I will only owe me 7% of your soul once you succeed.

Q. Day 4? Are you saying... There were Day 1, Day 2, and Day3???

A. As hard to believe as it can get, yes:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Myth 1: Build an awesome product and they will buy it

Reality: If you think it's awesome, doesn't mean everybody thinks the same. No matter how awesome your product is, you have to take their hand and walk them through every step before they even think about (maybe) paying

Myth 2: Be nice to people, do whatever it takes to please them and they will love you

Reality: It's almost impossible to guess what every person needs, ergo, you just exhaust yourself for nothing and gain the reputation of a pushover. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself happy. Removing the burden of keeping you happy from your family and friends makes them way happier.

Myth 3: A company you work for uses you. They keep most of the profits, and you're just stuck with a teeny-tiny percent

Reality: When you work for somebody, it's not quite "they hired you". It's more like "you hired them" - to take care of marketing, customer acquisition, payroll, legal shit, etc, etc. Yes, it is damn expensive.

Myth 4: You should quit smoking, cravings will go away in 2 weeks, and you'll be feeling soooo much better!

Reality: Nope. First of all, cravings don't go away even after 2 years. Second of all, if it'd really make you feel that much better, there wouldn't be any smokers left in the world

Myth 5: Marriage changes everything

Reality: It changed my last name. That's pretty much about it.

Myth 6: You need a good education to find a well-paying job

Reality: I know way more people who regret ever going to a university than the other way around

Myth 7: If you work hard and you can achieve anything

Reality: Working hard is not enough. To achieve anything viable you need to work both hard AND smart.

Myth 8: The world is so amazing and it loves me

Reality: The world doesn't give a fuck

Myth 9: The world is a dangerous place and it hates me

Reality: The world doesn't give a fuck

Myth 10: You don't need alcohol to have fun

Reality: You don't need running shoes to run. And yet, it fucking helps!

Myth 11: Immigration is very difficult (if not impossible)

Reality: It kinda is difficult for the first 2 years. Given you don't get stuck in the wherever-you-are-from communities, of course. One eventful day you wake up and realize you now understand deeply 2 cultures. And that there is a ton of bullshit in each.
@mksell74 1.Smile can lift other people's mood and even make their day so smile often when talking to people.
2.I am really interested in self-improvement and i understood its power.
3.When learning a new language i should listen a lot (from AJ Hoge) to easy texts because listening is key.
4.I was really interested in programming and wanted to be a programmer but realized that my whole life i will have to sit in front of computer and changed my mind
5.I should exercise daily because i am gonna thank myself in the future(i am 18 now) and i have been exercising daily for a year.
6.Before learning anything you should get into peak emotional state and you will learn faster(right now i am trying to do this)
That's all i guess

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