10 people's and businesses problems from Reddit


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  1. Any ways to keep track of inventory through Zelle payment?

    "We are a brand new business and got started with words of mouth. We received payment through Zelle for most order. Because our products are physical products, it is overwhelming sometimes to input and keep track of inventory manually from Zelle. Is there any faster way to keep track with our inventory without doing it manually? Like an app?"

  2. Looking for a wholesale Solution

    "We are currently on Shopify plus and frustrated with the limitations of their wholesale platform. Is anyone out there successfully using a standalone Shopify store for wholesale that integrates nicely with an OMS like Bightpearl or CIN7. Have really really been running into dead-ends trying to figure out w software stack that will work for our wholesale purchasers."

  3. Effective tool for thumbnail making

    "n the past few days I got feedback from lot of my viewers and most of them suggested me to make more interesting and eye appealing thumbnails, content creators out there talk a lot about key points that should be kept in mind while making thumbnails but not everyone out there talks about effective tools or software that can be used to make one.

    So it would be really helpful if you people can suggest me some effective tools or online platforms that can be used to generate cool thumbnails."

  4. Can you automate the building of large databases (that come from a data entry page)?

    "'m building a workbook that will consist of a starting Data Entry page that will consist of 100+ individual people. Each person will then be represented by 1 sheet that will graph the data entered, acting as little dashboards of their information. Is there a way to do this more quickly than manually inputting all data into each separate sheet?"

  5. Use automation tooling?

    "Are there any automation tools you use? For example I would like to automate the process of getting notified of people within certain profiles who change their status to “open to work”. Am curious is anyone is successfully using tools to help the sourcing process."

  6. Hubspot integration with Salesforce Question

    "We have hubspot which is integrated witt salesforce. I am wondering how I can get Salesforce Contact IDs to sync with Hubspot contacts so that when I create lists in Hubspot, I can export them into excel then import them into campaigns in salesforce. Is this possible? I need the unique contact ID from Salesforce though"

  7. Looking for a platform or software to manage my cleaning company and streamline my process

    "I am looking for a software platform that will provide the following features in one unified system ideally.

    - Validate hours of each employee ( right now they send me a pic when they arrive and when they leave the home to be cleaned. this is how they "prove" their hours. I would like something that can have them add photos and enter time and gives me a nice page of all the info for all my employees. so I am not scrolling through tons of texts from them.

    - Enter those hours the employees input into a payroll that will pay out each employee

    - Take those expenses and put them in the "profits and losses" file for my records.

    - Let the employees buy more cleaning supplies and automatically add those expenses to the "Profits and losses" sheet.

    - I use square for the customers to pay for their cleanings. I would like the square payments to automatically get added to the "Profits and losses" sheet.

    I am just looking for a way to sort of combine all the components of my process in a way that is more streamlined and requires less manual intervention. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated."

  8. Best way to capture many contacts/details at once?

    "I'm working on building a contact list for the school districts in my state. Most data is generic such as name and email, but as I'm compiling my contacts I'm categorizing them by role in the district. My current approach is using a spreadsheet with a few different tabs based on role (superintendent, principal, etc. each on their own tab).

    I'm filling these tabs with data I gather from emails and manually copying each unique contact/details into the tab on the spreadsheet. With thousands of emails this is obviously very time consuming. Seeking solutions to streamline my process I turned to google suite, imported my excel workbook, and created a form linked to it which I could then blast out in my emails and have the form populate my contact list for me. This seems to work well when you need to gather data on only one person at a time as each form submission represents one row in the spreadsheet, but not when gathering information about numerous people at once. The way I have to structure my form to gather multiple people at once causes rows to become long and cluttered.

    So, does anyone have any nifty tips that can help me gather these contacts faster. Ideally, I'd be able to send my clients one email that has some sort of form where they can enter the requested contact info for numerous people on separate lines and that form could then populate multiple rows/unique contacts for me in my spreadsheet automatically."

  9. How to automate a phone call to renew a prescription

    "Looking to see if people have automated phone calls before. I can refill prescriptions by calling my pharmacy and punching in my Rx number into a fully automated system. I'd like to automate it from my side so I could, for instance, tell an Alexa routine to refill an Rx and NodeRed would trigger a call routine to do it for me.

    I already pay for a skype number/calling and have a google voice number I could use too if those would be options. Also open to other options."

  10. Content Management Software to Integrate into our eLearning Platform

    "I really hope something like this exists! My company has an eLearning section in our platform and we would love to be able to have our clients customize and create their own lessons (quiz questions, etc) inside of our platform. We want it to be a simple drag and drop or very user-friendly. Does anyone know of software that exists that we could integrate with?"

Let me know if you find the list useful, I'll be making such in the future.
@snowbird27 There are always solutions that exist already. Not all of them fit the particular needs of a business. Some features are unnecessary, some of them are implemented not in the desired way for someone. There are places for enhancement.

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