15 Landing Page Mistakes I have found when testing over 1100+ SaaS and Startups


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  1. Neglecting Pain Points: Many landing pages fail to effectively highlight the visitor's pain points, missing an opportunity to resonate emotionally and drive conversions. The pain-agitate-solution framework can help bring these pain points to the forefront and demonstrate how your solution addresses them.
  2. Ignoring Objections: Addressing visitor objections is crucial for building trust and overcoming hesitations. Frequently asked questions (FAQs) sections or dedicated objection-handling segments can preemptively tackle doubts and encourage action.
  3. Scant Social Proof: Lack of credible social proof can undermine trust in your offering. Incorporating authentic testimonials and reviews, prominently displayed, can instill confidence in your product or service.
  4. Missing Visitor Feedback: Gathering visitor feedback is essential for understanding why potential customers might not be converting. Implementing exit-intent surveys or feedback forms can provide valuable insights for optimization.
  5. Untracked Performance: Without insights into landing page performance, it's challenging to gauge effectiveness and make informed decisions. Integrating analytics tools allows for data-driven optimization strategies.
  6. Complex Language: Overly technical or convoluted language can alienate visitors and hinder comprehension. Simplifying language and removing jargon can improve clarity and engagement.
  7. Unclear Messaging: Failing to clearly communicate the value proposition can leave visitors confused and disengaged. Clearly articulating who the product is for, what it does, and why it's valuable is essential for driving conversions.
  8. Lacking Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Without a distinct USP, your offering may blend in with competitors, making it challenging to stand out. Highlighting unique features or benefits helps differentiate your product in a crowded market.
  9. No Evidence of Claims: Making claims without supporting evidence can erode trust. Providing demonstrations, case studies, or examples that substantiate your claims adds credibility to your messaging.
  10. Ego-centric Content: Focusing on your business rather than addressing visitor needs can alienate potential customers. Incorporating 'you/your' language throughout the page helps keep the focus on the visitor and their needs.
  11. Poor Formatting: Dense text blocks and lack of visual hierarchy can make it difficult for visitors to digest information. Utilizing clear headings, bullet points, and visuals improves readability and engagement.
  12. Absent Call to Action (CTA): Without clear prompts for action, visitors may not know how to proceed. Ensuring prominent and accessible CTAs encourages desired actions and guides visitors through the conversion process.
  13. Ineffective Demo Booking: Friction in booking product demos can deter potential customers. Streamlining the demo booking process with user-friendly tools enhances the user experience and encourages engagement.
  14. Questionable Social Proof: Inauthentic or poorly presented social proof can undermine credibility. Leveraging genuine testimonials and reviews, including video testimonials and social media mentions, enhances trustworthiness.
  15. Complex Setup Process: Concerns about the complexity of setup or usage can deter conversions. Offering support resources such as templates, guides, and personalized assistance helps ease the onboarding process and instils confidence in the product.
My name is Colm I'm a fellow founder, I know the struggle of finding practical advice for your product. With over 1100+ tests in the past 10 years, I've got some proven recommendations to boost your conversion rates, MRR, and lower that CPA.

Straight to the point, you'll get brutally honest insights in a personalized record private video.

Let's roast your landing page make meaningful changes and get results.

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