160 of Y Combinators 229 Startup Cohort are AI Startups with and 75% of the Cohort has 0 revenue

Y Combinator (YC), one of the most prestigious startup accelerators in the world, has just unveiled its latest batch of innovative startups, providing key insights into what the future might hold.

Y Combinators Summer 2023 Batch​

In a recent post by Garry Tan, YC's president, Tan offers a nostalgic look back at his first YC Demo Day in 2008, where he, as a budding entrepreneur, pitched his startup. Now, fifteen years later, he's at the helm, proudly launching the 37th Demo Day, this time for the Summer 2023 batch. Tan proudly declares this batch as one of YC's most impressive yet, emphasizing the deep technical talent of the participants.

From a staggering pool of over 24,000 applications, only 229 startups were chosen, making this one of the most competitive batches to date. This batch marks a number of firsts and solidifies several rising trends within the startups landscape. 75% of these companies began their YC journey with zero revenue, and 81% hadn't raised any funding before joining the accelerator. YC's decision to focus on early-stage startups this round signals their commitment to nurturing raw, untapped potential.

A Return to Face-to-Face Interaction​

After three years, YC has brought back the in-person Demo Day format, allowing startups, investors, and mentors to connect directly. While the virtual format has its merits, there's an unmistakable magic in the YC Demo Day room, filled with anticipation, hope, and innovation.

AI Takes Center Stage​

Artificial Intelligence is the standout sector in the Summer 2023 batch. With recent advancements making waves across various industries, there's arguably no better time to launch an AI-focused startup, and no better platform than YC to foster its growth. This signals a clear trend in the startup investing and venture capital space: AI is just getting started.

Of the entire Summer 2023 batch, 160 out of the entire 229 Summer 2023 batch that are utilizing or implementing artificial intelligence in some capacity. This means over 2 out of every 3 startups accepted is focused on artificial intelligence in some capacity. Some of the startups include:

Quill AI: Automating the job of a financial analyst

Fiber AI: Automating prospecting and outbound marketing

Reworkd AI: Open Source Zapier of AI Agents

Watto AI: AI-powered McKinsey-quality reports in seconds

Agentive: AI-powered auditing platform

Humanlike: Replace your call center with voice bots that sound human

Greenlite: AI compliance team for fintech and banking

atla: AI assistants to help in-house lawyers answer legal questions

Studdy: An AI Match tutor

Glade: League of Legends with AI-generated maps and gameplay

and literally over 100 others. As you can see, there's a startup covering nearly every sector of AI in the new batch.

YC By The Numbers​

YC continues to grow as a community. The accelerator now boasts over 10,000 founders spanning more than 4,500 startups. The success stories are impressive: over 350 startups valued at over $150 million and 90 valued at more than $1 billion. The unicorn creation rate of 5% is truly unparalleled in the industry.

To cater to the ever-growing community, YC has added more full-time Group Partners than ever. This includes industry veterans such as Tom Blomfield, co-founder of billion-dollar startups GoCardless and Monzo, and YC alumni like Wayne Crosby (Zenter) and Emmett Shear (Twitch).

YC Core Values​

YC's commitment to diversity is evident in the demographics of the S23 batch. They've also spotlighted the industries these startups operate in, with 70% in B2B SaaS/Enterprise, followed by fintech, healthcare, consumer, and proptech/industrials.

Garry Tan emphasizes three core tenets for YC investors: to act ethically, to make decisions swiftly, and to commit long-term. He underlines the importance of the YC community, urging investors to provide valuable introductions and guidance to founders.

The Road Ahead​

With YC's track record and the promise shown by the Summer 2023 batch, the future of the startup ecosystem looks promising. As always, YC remains at the forefront, championing innovation and shaping the next generation of global startups.

Original Post: https://www.democratizing.finance/p...ith-y-combinators-finalized-summer-2023-batch
@eyexscreamx4xjesus This should be downvoted, not sure if you're intentionally writing cliick biat titles for malicious purposes or what.

75% of the batch HAD 0 revenue when joining YC. If you attended demo day today, you'd know that number is much lower now. In fact, wouldn't be surprised if 100% of the batch has revenue and some even crossed the $1M run rate mark.
@veyhenlo Question worth asking is, how much of these companies’ revenues are from other YC companies? In other words, how much of them are legitimate vs self-dealing to one another?
@veyhenlo was just about to say it. title is no revenue in the present tense and the body is no revenue when they got accepted.

Garry Tan shared this just yesterday:

The last few YC Demo Day presentations:$0 to $23K MRR in 6 weeks$1M ARR, 2X during YC$0 to $133K ARR during YC
@veyhenlo Eh, I guess this is fair but I really don't think it'd change much of anything. The point of the article still stands, and the full story is clarified in the article.

Not intentional and I don't really know how it could be 'malicious' since it's just highlighting trends they stated.

New title would literally just be "160 of Y Combinators 229 Startup Cohort are AI Startups and 75% of the Cohort started with 0 revenue"

I don't really see the point in the hostility. If you think this is malicious by pointing out a trend they pointed out, then that's more on your disagreeing with their decisions, not me being malicious lol.