18y/o undergrad student need help with e-commerce/Shopify


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So pretty much, I found something that I can passionately sell for a great margin, produce for cheap in mass quantity, has lots of demand. The problem is that I want to start selling online and was recommended Shopify from multiple people. My products are starting production soon, all I have is my domain name and the websites connected. I plan on beefing up the website once I have pictures of my products but am really unsure on the business aspect of e-commerce. I want to ship all of my products (small boxes so I have lots of room) to my house and hold the inventory there. Is there a way I can sell these through Shopify from my house? Do I need to do something called drop shipping? I have no understanding of online sales and e-commerce or business in general (premed major), so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
@jwmcclel I’m 33 and run a similar sounding business via Shopify. We hit $1 mil in 10 months after launching our new product last year and are on track to do $2.2 this year. I’d be happy to chat with you. Send me a PM and we can set up a time to talk.