22 y/o bought an apartment with a shop located beneath it, could use some business ideas


New member
Hello Reddit!

First, something about myself: I'm 22 years of age, have a very flexible job in working hours and weekends off.

This year I bought an apartment in the centre of my local city in The Netherlands. Below this apartment, there is a small business space that I also own.

About the business space: It's located in a very crowded spot in the centre of the city. The space is about 60 square meters (645.83 square feet), 3 meters wide, and 20 meters deep.

The catchment area of the city that I live in is around 100.000 people. There is no direct parking in front of the building, but there is plenty of parking space in the area.

Now I only pay a monthly mortgage so I don't have to pay any rent to the business space below my apartment. This is a golden opportunity for me to start a business.

I have done some brainstorming and came up with a couple of ideas:
  1. Sushi To-Go: There is no sushi place in my city yet, the only sushi available is a half an hour drive to a bigger city. Because my place is not the biggest I will mainly focus on delivery.
  2. Supplement Store: Lots of gyms and healthy people in the area, there is one more supplement store but they focus on really expensive brands and older people.
  3. Vintage Clothing Store.
  4. Liquor store or a store specialized in special beers and IPA's
I would love to hear some of the idea's you creative minds have here at r/Entrepreneurs :)
@murphyaik Good for you op!

Need more info, eg
  • number of foot traffic
  • how visible
  • types of businesses nearby
  • etc etc
With this you can determine what opportunities you can provide Eg your example of nearby gyms and health people

If possible, try to do a survey to the foot traffic as well as the businesses nearby on what they would like and use be it
  • laundromat (coin or card operated)
  • self storage
  • Cafe
  • sushi
  • pure rental
  • pay per use office / storage
  • whatever you're interested in
  • etc
Surveys especially with bigger numbers will be able to give you a list of opportunities to consider better of actual potential clients

Renting it out is the most passive form of income and that'd be my preferred approach but that's me and I'm aged 39, so I've less energy and time.
@murphyaik All of these ideas sound fun! However ether are some logistical hurtles you need to consider.

To make and distribute food requires the right equipment and even better practices, demonstrating your food is clean and okay to eat. So this means you need to get inspected and get a good rating. Owning a restaurant or food delivery service is not easy and can take a lot of your time.

Everything else likely can be sold without the above fuss but I am nowhere near an expert in what the Netherlands requires for the products people consume (supplements and alcohol).

More importantly focus on what you are interested in. You'll be spending a lot of your time, outside of your main source of income, making this work. So which one will be the most fun for you? Which on draws in th type of people you want in your neighborhood? Which one can you see yourself doing for years to come?
@murphyaik My suggestion is to do something you have passion for, if it fails you had fun and learned lessons if it succeeds you are doing something you enjoy. If you follow a pssion you are more likely to want to put the time and effort in because starting a buisness takes a lot of time. If you are working another job to fund starting this business too you will have no time so it's better if you spend the time on something you want to be doing.