23 y/o student side project - Custom-made birth posters


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Hi everyone!

Domain: www.yourbabyposter.com

Elevator pitch: We help parents remember the size of their baby at birth by creating a timeless illustration of a custom-made baby poster that adapts to the baby's true size at birth.

Main difficulties: Online Marketing, online marketing, online marketing.

After 3-4 months of development next to my studies (I am studying industrial engineering and I am in the final semester of my master's program), I have finally launched my shop YourBabyPoster.com. The shop is based on the Shopify platform and I've coded most of the customizations myself, with a little help from overseas. My main focus right now is to grow the sales by testing and implementing growth hacking strategies (mostly free or little budget involved), I have found a post with many bullet points about this, that I can share if anyone is interested.

Happy to hear your feedback or improvement ideas!

@whiskipops Great idea.

Don’t market to new parents. I have a 2 month old and I’m definitely not shopping around for stuff like this right now. Market to friends and family members who will preorder it for them as a baby shower gift. So you’ll need to provide something to be presented to the parents-to-be in lieu of the gift— just a flyer or gift certificate sort of thing that explains the product, maybe has instructions on it for how to redeem and submit the photo or whatever you need.
@golf_tee Thank you for the feedback! To be honest, since our tagline includes info like the size at birth (for the 1:1 scale illustration), weight it might be hard for friends/family to buy this as a present. Might be even hard for some friends to know the exact birth date of the baby. I will definitely have to find a workaround for this issue. Looking forward to see if more new parents agree with you on this point! :)
@whiskipops I haven't checked out the product yet but you could add a prebook option where friends of the family can buy the package and you can mail them some sort of credentials maybe login credentials if users normally log into their accounts. After birth the parents can use those credentials to get their baby posters.
@whiskipops I would definitely remove the word "poster". Posters are cheap and generally mass market low quality.

I assume OP is using some print on demand service. I'd see if you can also sell frames. It's not much extra work for you, makes the product more polished, and can make extra money.
@whiskipops Good luck. I think you have a great product. I've always wanted to do a print fulfillment project.

I could see you do more variety or customizations too: name, date of birth, etc.

The challenge as you've figured out us marketing and branding.
@whiskipops Yeah, I think the word you want here is “print.” Adults display framed prints. “Posters” are for dorm rooms.

By the way, how does the print-on-demand portion of this work? Very curious!