3,914 impressions, but 0 sales! Asking for a friend 😢


New member
I launched a company 2 days ago (on my birthday) across all of my social media's receiving ~ 3,914 impressions that led to 0 sales! I'm just wondering if anyone could take 5 minutes to give me feedback on my launch post + company? Thank you so much in advance!
@sm412 There´s a simple rule to every startup at the begining: Community before Sales. With your posts you've created Brand awareness, people know you're there, but they don't know what problem can you solve for them. Focus on create valuable content to attract your niche. Once you become an authority with a community around your brand, you can offer your services to them.
@sisterfriend Very true! I think this will take time. More consistent/quality content over time will hopefully build the audience....

I appreciate the feedback! Community before sales is a valuable framework.
@sm412 Well, the thing is that nobody cares that you've launched a company on your birthday.

Your potential customers don't care what's happening in your life. They care about their lives. And as far as I can see you don't talk about the customer in the opening lines. You talk about your company. You see, you have to catch their attention. And by talking about you and your company, you'll not get far. It's all about the customers
@sm412 A few thoughts:
  1. "Startup" implies a novel idea or business model, I don't think that's what you're building, it seems like a run-of-the-mill content play.
  2. It looks like you own the .com, and the Twitter handle, which is good, but why are you still using your personal gmail and Twitter?
  3. Your Youtube has one video produced 3 weeks ago, you need boatloads more content before you start promoting this.
I think this seems like a fun side hustle/hobby, it seems like a really tough route to making a living.
@sm412 Like other posters have said, you need to build your authority in this space before cashing in. That involves offering a lot of free content and building a following organically. There are thousands of free self-improvement podcasts out there, what separates your from the pack? What can you offer people that they can't find elsewhere?

For each of your product lines, how much content is there? What guests do you have? etc. All I see is a 2 sentence summary of what "Success Rewind" covers but I would need a lot more info (ie. episode summaries) before giving you my money.

And I would remove the below, it would disincentivize people from actually paying.

"What if I can’t afford a subscription?

Please email me gradualmedia@gmail.com and we’ll make it work!"
@gortra Appreciate the feedback! Samples are a must I’m realizing. Thank you so much.

The reason I have the bottom section w/ my email is because I’ve subscribed to numerous of paid newsletters for free because I was unable to pay the funds, but I was still really interested in the content. This was after I was laid off. Each of the writers allowed me into their community if I helped them promote their work. So I’m keeping for people like me. It may not be smart/profitable and I know I can’t do that for everyone, but for people who need it and are willing to promote — I’m happy to add people. Does that make sense or is it still invalid?
@sm412 Your rationale makes sense but I think it will disincentivize other people from paying. It cheapens your product IMO. Maybe there's another way to pitch that on your site.

Anyway, good luck!
@gortra Yeah I completely understand where you’re coming from. I think I’ll mess around w/ how I deliver this w/o losing the value of my product.

Thank you again :)
@sm412 The ads are not engaging and don’t give a clear message. Not trying to be harsh. The only one that I know what it is right away is the book club. Impressions you can show up for a lot of different things and they don’t always convert to sales.
@seeker2122 Thank you for the feedback! It’s helpful knowing which piece of content I’m offering is the easiest to understand. Thank you again!
@sm412 I like your sell page, but I never saw your content. As a potential customer, I want to know if your content is interesting for me before even a free subscribing.

I'm not an expert but I think that if you publish some blog articles or another free and unengaging (I don't know if we can say it, my english his far from being perfect) content it will help.

I hope my feedback will help you :)
@sm412 Impressions are nothing in this time. Forget impressions, even page visits doesn't matter that much unless there's a value attached to it.

I don't even feel like clicking on those links that you shared coz somewhere even in your question, there's no sense of reality or value added to it. Try to learn the basic concepts of give and take. Have patience and be consistent but better every time.

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