3 stages of tech startups: Idea, Validated and Established


New member
Here's a list of things that happen at various stages of tech startups, based on my own experience and invaluable feedback from my prior framework Reddit post (and @momplus3).


Status: Entrepreneur has an idea that needs to be validated.

Next: Test hypotheses; achieve product-market fit via user conversations and iterating MVP.
  • IDEA: Identify problem/passion (hopefully, very personal)
  • HYPOTHESES: Business Model Canvas, value proposition
  • MARKET: TAM/SAM/SOM, competition, regulations
  • CUSTOMERS: User research/interviews, personas, Steve Blank/Lean Startup concepts (temporary org in search of a business model)
  • PRODUCT: Low-fidelity MVP (wireframes, clickable prototype, working app, landing page, pivots/proceeds). Test with users & get facts/commitment/advancement. High-fidelity MVP. Test with users & get facts/commitment/advancement. Roadmap (1 month increments, 1+ year out vision).
  • COMPANY: Pitch deck, company mission, vision, goals, biz plan/model, product vision
  • MONEY: Bootstrapping, fundraising/seed money, financial/monetization/runway plan
  • SYSTEMS: Processes & tools for running user research, building MVP
  • MEASURE: Single metric focus (e.g. revenue, active users)


Status: Product idea has been validated -- there is customer demand & market size.

Next: Scale customer base fast with a delightful experience, achieve profitability/active users…
  • COMPANY: Name, mission & vision, values, brand, incorporate, legal, accounting, banking, intellectual property...
  • PLANNING: Strategy/tactics, goals & milestones (e.g. launch date), business model, pro forma/financial plan
  • MONEY: Fundraising, pitch deck (business plan/model), cap table, unit economics (A/MRR, CAC, LTV), budget, runway
  • METRICS: KPIs/dashboards with primary/north star metric
  • CUSTOMERS: Personas, messaging, attract-engage-delight, surveys/visits/case studies, referrals
  • PEOPLE: Founders, key/early hires, team, mentors/advisors, workplace, culture, contractors, employee handbook, onboarding, OOO coverage, work-life balance, wellbeing/fun
  • PRODUCT: Vision, roadmap, pricing, user community, feedback loop
  • ENGINEERING: Methodology, tech stack, tools, development, QA, availability & disaster recovery plan (stability, scalability, security), tech debt, prioritization
  • DISTRIBUTION: Marketing, sales & support engine, channels
  • PARTNERSHIPS: Distribution, content, delivery
  • PROTECTIONS: Legal, disaster recovery, insurances, etc.
  • SYSTEMS: SOPs/processes, office tools (CRM, collaboration, etc.), operations tools (accounting, banking, payroll, etc.)


Status: Company has a stable/growing customer base or has hit a wall.

Next: Get acquired, IPO, run a profitable business.
  • PLANNING: Strategic & tactical plans for financial, systems, protection. Company & team OKRs.
  • MEASURE: Success metrics/KPIs, dashboards.
  • MONEY: Fundraising, financial reporting, budget
  • PEOPLE: Leadership, employees, contractors, culture, HR, payroll & benefits, employee handbook, wellbeing, retention, terminations, onboarding, compensation, professional development, offsites
  • CUSTOMERS: Marketing (messaging, marketing automation, inbound marketing, lead gen), Sales (reps, templates, process, metrics, coaching, ARR, MRR, Churn, CAC, CLV), Support (SLAs, retention, self-help, proactive/reactive)
  • PRODUCT: Product planning (vision, strategy, roadmap, backlog, prioritization, MVP mindset, pricing, upsell), 3S, continuous innovation
  • PARTNERSHIPS: distribution, content, strategic
  • SCALE: Pivots, reorganization
  • EXIT: M&A, when to sell, valuation, exit options, IB/brokers, due diligence, closing, life after exit

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