3 Video Series - How to turn Garbage Employees into Gold - Employee Transformation System


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Repost from my blog here: http://www.eatsuccess.com/turn-garbage-employees-gold-performance-improvement-plan/

We all wish we had the cream of the job seekers crop to choose from, but that is not always the case. Even if you do that does not mean you’re going to be free of all employee problems. The best companies in the world can still become overwhelmed by the challenges of employee engagement, performance management, employee retention and employee empowerment. Enter the employee transformation system or performance improvement plan.

In this video series you will learn how I found myself in the employee problem quagmire and the simple idea that changed how I view employees and also myself. Then I’ll share with you the performance improvement plan and strategy that I have developed to successfully hire and shape some of the most challenging employees into my star employees.

Video 1: My employee problems and a simple idea that changed how I see people

Video 2: The "why" behind employee problems

Video 3: A proven employee transformation system

Performance Improvement Plan - Employee Transformation Template

The performance improvement plan worksheet below will help you
  • Clearly define what outcomes your employee is creating
  • What you want them to create
  • Identify believes, values, experiences and stories they hold to be true which are resulting in the undesirable outcomes
  • Form and test a hypothesis to become clear about the above observations
Next you'll be guided on how to
  • Begin the conversation with your employee
  • Establish rapport and create a joint task force for change
  • Cooperate with the employee to develop an action plan that you both agree is just a theory to be tested
  • Take initial steps toward the desired outcomes. Baby steps at the outset are critical. Even minutes between initial check-ins can make the difference.
Finally you'll see how to have them
  • Self-manage this process and slowly remove the training wheels
  • Move them toward independence
  • Check in periodically (baby steps again at first so you don't slide backwards)
  • See their full transformation taking place
As a bonus you'll then see how to bring the student into a tutoring role where they will being working with other employees through the same process. Naturally having had their own successes they will have rock solid conviction about the process and be able to share that success with others.

Free Download

You can download your free Employee Transformation Worksheet at EatSuccess here: http://www.eatsuccess.com/turn-garbage-employees-gold-performance-improvement-plan/

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