30% boost in cold email response rates - "mail-merging" images


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[To mods] Remove if not allowed. But this tool is free. Not really monetizing or anything like that. Not even user registration. I'm just sharing with sales community as someone who works in sales and engineering.

I don't believe in sales hacks and tricks.. but it does seem stacking 1% here and 1% there does seem to add up.

One of these "tricks" I've been using customized images. Particularly, images of prospect's face, company logo, face w/my face, etc. Possibilities are endless. I thought it was gimmicky, but when I tried, it worked.

I A/B tested a cadence - 1 just plain text, and other one was EXACTLY the same but had the prospect's name written on whiteboard. Doesn't always work but when it does, it works pretty well. Anywhere between 15% to 35% bump in response rate. I've noticed it works well when there's a "connect" between the image and what you sell.

For example, you sell a "visual" product like some fancy medical product and have your prospect's face on it... or you're a real estate investor trying to buy people's properties so you use their house picture Caveat, know where your boundaries are. One time I downloaded a sales prospect's dog off her instagram and used that, but i guess I crossed the line cuz she was PISSED. Maybe it was one off but when your personalization cross the creepy line, expect blowback.

I now use this regularly b/c well, it works. But manual process (i.e. photshopping images, checking pixels, uploading, etc etc.) took way too much time. So I have a solution - there's probably a lot of these types of services out there, but this is way easier (in my opinion) and has features to make the text look "handwritten" (we use fonts and AI to generate unique handwriting every time => the unique AI thing is slower but still a cool feature regardless). Plus no need to download, upload, fiddle with images with UI editor, nada.
  1. You upload a "template"
  2. You specify coordinates (on image), text, font size, and color
  3. Image is generated and automatically hosted, so you don't need to download and mess with it. You take the URL then embed it as image in your email automation msoftware.
This will give you the URL, which you can customize (such as text on image).

For example, the "customized image" from above used this "blank" template.. you can upload that then specify what you want "written" by changing the URL, like this.

So in your email automation software, assuming your prospect's name is the {{first_name}} merge tag, you can automatically "merge" images by specifying the first name

And your email automation software that sends out your email cadence should theoretically send out the merged images. I say theoretically, b/c I'm not sure what you use. If you need help with this, feel free to DM/comment. Shameless self promo: I run an outreach automation tool company called GetSalesFox that helps you automate the boring sales stuff.

If you have any questions, leave it in the comments below. And as always, if you found this helpful, would appreciate the upvote.
@veronm144 thanks

yeap. possibilities are endless since "template" / background can also be personalized.

im open to other suggestions to see what you guys do with it. one suggestion I got was having "multiple" images that can be merged together..

for example.. if u sell products in multiple states, might have a picture of "before/after"... along with the prospect's state banner.. AND also be able to write on the image. Only caveat would be not to go TOO crazy (dont wanna get TOO creepy)

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