4 months only and a new update already


New member
Nns 1.93

Hey ladies and gentlemen!

Yes indeed, I usually take at least a full year to release a new version of my app. I have introduced the previous one here -> . So today I am very happy to show you its new version after 4 months only: NumbNSymb version 1.93(or Nns 1.93) comes with a minor, but very important, new update which allows you to edit your bookmarks directly from the UI. You can watch a demo here ->
and download the app on the official website there -> https://numbnsymb.com.

As usual, good and bad comments are very welcome : )

Good coding
@firefnx hey mate,

the quicker tempo of your updates reflects a growing harmony with user needs.

this small bookmark tweak, a simple bow to user convenience, showcases a deeper user dialogue

it’s these nuanced touches that often compose a sweeter user experience. your journey from the last version to NNS 1.93, a subtle narrative of listening, adapting, unfolding.

the open call for all shades of feedback, a gentle nod to the beautiful dialectics of creation.

may the dance of code, feedback, and iteration continue, each step a closer dialogue with your audience.

@zertey What a priceless and precious comment you're giving me there. It is pure gold for me : ) Thank you very much! My app is far from being complete, but your comment gives me more motivations to keep going and go further. I saw your NotesNudge project(very nice by the way) and seen all the advises you've been giving to others. Many thanks again, you are clearly talented in sort of "moti(vation)writing". Not sure if it is really you or NotesNudge... XD

Cheers mate.
@zertey Your genuineness is something my friend, I really think it will lead you somewhere nice. Don't lose it. I am not on Twitter(x) but I will try to keep the updates here.

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