4 unexpected lessons I’ve learned after going through Y Combinator this year (S18)


New member
Hey all! I'm Daryna, one of the founders of OpenPhone.

I've been reflecting on 2018, my experience of launching OpenPhone and going through YC

Wanted to share my most unexpected lessons learned. I wish someone shared them with me a year ago.

Here they are:
  1. Focus on customers who “have their hair on fire”
  2. Get to the point
  3. Learn to have hard (level 3) conversations
  4. When you take time off, actually use it
I go over each one of these in detail, explain why they were unexpected (to me) and share real examples of our pre-YC and post-YC 1-liner in the post:


Hope it's helpful. Would love your feedback!
@tictoc Great post and congrats on your success so far!

Is there more reading on conversation levels?

I realized this issue some time ago, but found only certain types of people enjoy level 3 conversations.

Have you had any similar experience?
@cathykubeck Thanks much!

I'd recommend this book on non-violent communication - https://www.amazon.com/Nonviolent-Communication-Language-Life-Changing-Relationships/dp/189200528X/

I'd also highly recommend working with Amy if you get a chance

Totally agree that some people find level 3 conversations to be incredibly hard. Because they are.

The worst thing is when you avoid having an honest conversation and that results in unresolved tension that accumulates.

I think when you approach the conversation from a good place and the person you're talking to knows you have the best intentions, the conversation will go much better. And also the second time you have a level 3 conversation it'll be much easier!

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