5 most original goals set by users in December 2019


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Whipcake startup for the first time presented data on its users ' tasks and motivation


What do people think about every day? What are their goals, desires, and dreams? It was always interesting to find out. And someone and help with the implementation.

The motivational app Whipcake publishes anonymous statistics on users ' tasks for the first time.

Whipcake is a mobile app for achieving goals, where users find partners who motivate them. Depersonalized data is collected for December 2019.

How does the app work?

Users create public tasks where only the title is visible to others (the description is hidden). The point of a public task is to find a sponsor for it in order to get a motivating impulse from him. Some people need it very much.

Any other user can become a partner and send motivational messages within 7 days.

Someone needs magic motivation, and someone likes to motivate others, interests have converged.

We analyzed the tasks of users, performers and partners, and learned a lot about the life of people on the planet.

So, what happened in the Whipcake motivation and goal achievement app in December 2019...

Some of the goals were quite original. Here are the TOP 5 most original tasks from users of the Whipcake app for December:
  1. Marry or marry for love
  2. Understand where I am now in life
  3. Smile at three passers-by
  4. Foundation I refuse you!!!
  5. I won't fight anyone for 30 days
The goals are different and each of them requires motivation from the outside, which is why fans are happy to motivate others.

Gender of app users

Most active in December, the app was used by women 76.95%. This information will help men in their search to find a soul mate in their lives. Perhaps Whipcake is a way to find a destiny that will motivate him. Try it, if you don't try it, you won't know.

This is also supported by the fact that users in 72.7% of cases chose the opposite sex as their guarantors for motivation.

However, this is not a Dating app. In Whipcake, you will team up to achieve your short-term goal within 7 days. But do not hesitate to set a long-term goal, because you can always continue the partnership by reopening the guarantee.

Task category

In the task categories, learning leads by 14.99%, people want to learn, some painfully, but they want to find a partner for motivation. The 10.09% diet is slightly behind. There are a lot of people who want to lose weight. Next to the diet is fitness 9.22%. I learned, ate right, and got into fitness – that's a healthy lifestyle.

We also like to learn languages. This category of goals took the fourth place in the rating for December, 7.20% of all set goals.

But the 5th place is occupied by the category of meaningless tasks, sets of letters, nonsense, spam. As much as 6.34% was taken away from useful tasks by emptiness.

See the entire ranking of goal categories that people set in December 2019. Delaying the study of the interests of humanity. Will they change over time? We'll see.

Task categories by gender

Both women and men love or are forced to learn. Training goals are ranked first for both sexes, with men dominating 17.5% versus 14.23% for women.

Weight loss tasks in the app are set only by women, men are almost not concerned about this topic. Interestingly, men are slightly in the lead in the Fitness category: 10% versus 8.99% for women, and absolutely top the Work category: men 6.25%, women 0.75%. Men like to work.

In the study of languages, women lead 7.87%, men 5%. It is very useful to know foreign languages nowadays.

Useful and garbage tasks

It's funny that men also lead in stupid, garbage tasks: 20% against 2.25% for women. The beautiful Paul writes less nonsense in the app.

Task setting time

What time do Whipcake users most often set tasks? According to our statistics, the most popular time for setting goals is from 18: 00 to 20: 00. And the morning from 8: 30 to 10: 00 seems to be the most productive time to plan a day, a week.

The life expectancy of tasks

In the app itself, the goal is set public only for 7 days. Goals are usually achieved in a few days, but may not be difficult. 67% of tasks are not closed at all, which indicates the long-term goals or are closed after 30 days. We are sure that this indicator will decrease in the future.

On average, 11% of goals are closed per day, followed by plans for 3 days. And we remind you that the guarantee in Whipcake lasts 7 days. During this time, it is advisable to close your task for which your partner motivates you. Or, if you don't have time, make it public again in 7 days.

These were the tasks in December 2019 in the Whipcake app. I am glad that the number of partners ' guarantors is increasing, and people like to help other people. Laziness and procrastination recede when you are responsible to another person.

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