5 steps to grow organic traffic on your app page in stores 🎢


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Hi everyone!

I’ve been doing app store optimization for both the App Store and Google Play for more than 2 years now and it surprises me how powerful it is. So here are five steps one should do when it comes to text optimization. And the tool my team and I have come up to make it easier than ever.

Do some spy work 🔍

Analyze your field, competitors and main players in other categories to get insights on trends, specific keywords, and others’ strategies. This way you can adapt their best practices in your optimization to win the traffic.

Make your own dictionary 📚

Collect every keyword out there that your app can be indexed by. You can do it manually (app stores suggestions, other app pages, brainstorm) or automatically with specific tools (Checkaso, AppTweak, etc.)

Pick your a-line keywords 🏆

It’s awesome if you can use all semantic core in your metadata. Though usually, it’s not the case, so prioritize! If your app is new or yet finding its spotlight consider focusing or less popular (long-tail) keywords. There are a lower competitiveness level and less traffic as well. But it’s perfect for the start and growth. Then (or if your app is steady) gradually change your priorities to mid popular search queries.

Make every keyword matter 📲

Here comes the best part — add keywords to your metadata. Try to cover as many search queries as possible (duh), remember about the impact each text element has, and remember that is something to test so don’t overthink it too much.

Factor relevance by an app store

Track changes and repeat 🔄

Text optimization is an ongoing process full of iterations. To get the most out of it note metrics at the start, set goals, check the right things, wait for representative data, and analyze.

🗺BONUS: To expand your audience and get your ASO to the next level — localize. There more than a hundred locales available in the App Store and Google Play so start with localizing your metadata and good luck with conquering the world.

How often to update your app page? 📅

It depends on how much data you get. If it’s enough to say what is working and what is not in your iteration then start a new one. It can be a week and it can a couple of months.

A tool that changes everything 😍

My team and I are making an analytical ASO platform and we’ve just released our biggest feature yet — the Text editor.

It’s one screen where you can work with keywords, plan metadata updates, and even localize it for different localizations. You can learn more about it here or try it here.

It’d be awesome to get your feedback on the steps I’ve highlighted and the tool that simplifies each of them. Thanks in advance!