5 Tips to run a Truly Engaging Webinar


New member
Marketers often think speakers are the only owners of audience engagement. I'm afraid that's not right.

Here are 5 tips for you as a host to increase audience engagement in a webinar. Remember, an engaged audience is likelier to buy from you than an unengaged one.

Tip 1: Energize the waiting time

Login 2-3 minutes before the start and run some icebreaker polls. You can do this with or without your expert speaker.

Tip 2: Include the audience in your tech checks

Maybe tell a joke and check for laughter or cry-laugh emojis on chat?

Tip 3: Have a change of dynamics

Break the monotony by design, when you are conceptualizing the webinar on your drawing board. For example, you could have more than one speaker.

Tip 4: Run a Q&A Session

Gather questions with a promise to get back by Email or a short video with answers. This can be done with the lingering audience after the speaker leaves :)

Tip 5: Collect feedback

This does not need a special mention. You can use creative means to collect feedback, either during the session or after that. In any case, demonstrate continuous improvement.

That's it! Do you have any tips as a host to increase audience engagement in a webinar?