6 founders building in public to follow.


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The #buildinpublic movement is everywhere right now - with everything from scrappy indie hackers on solo ventures, to VC-backed founders, transparently sharing their journeys for the world to see - and engage with.

Here are 6 SaaS founders to learn from:

1. Adam Robinson - growing Retention.com to $14M ARR with only 6 employees. Sharing ups and downs + his playbook on using founder brand, content and LinkedIn to grow.

2. Marc Lou - bootstrapped micro SaaS founder building in public with 6 micro SaaS companies in the portfolio. Sharing his learnings and life as a talented solo entrepreneur, located in Bali.

3. Guillaume Moubeche - growing lemlist & lempire, from $0 to $20M ARR in 5 years bootstrapped. Sharing tips on how to grow a profitable SaaS business w/o VC.

4. Simon Høiberg - building a portfolio of bootstrapped SaaS + running YouTube as a business. Sharing helpful insights around building an automated business from the ground up - using no-code and AI.

5. John Hu - former Stanford MBA / Goldman Sachs Banker. Quite recently grew his SaaS for creators Stan past $5M ARR. Sharing a daily journal building a venture-backed towards $1B in Silicon Valley.
  1. Jonathan Rintala - Swedish SaaS founder growing Univid + sharing his journey of growing a SaaS from 0 to $5M ARR through creator led growth.

    Any founders missing in the list? Put them in the comments..
@mahogany41 Thx for this share. Are there any founders who talk about growth rather than build in public that you can recommend? I'm trying to build a YouTube channel and hoping to learn more

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