7 Proven B2B Marketing Strategies with Real-World Examples


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Unlike the B2C (business-to-consumer) world where people impulsively buy everything from cat sweaters to inflatable flamingos, B2B buyers are a whole different breed.

They’re like the Sherlock Holmes of consumers, dissecting every purchase decision with a magnifying glass, and sometimes a monocle just for fun.

But don’t fret! We’re here to spill the beans on the top-notch B2B marketing strategies that actually work, no matter how skeptical those business buyers may be.

B2B Marketers Need the Right Tools​

First things first, without the right B2B marketing tools, tackling this task can feel like trying to juggle flaming swords on a tightrope. It’s a recipe for disaster, trust me.

According to a 2021 McKinsey & Company report, B2B customers these days demand an “always-on, personalized, omnichannel experience.” In other words, they want you to be their personal marketing magician, ready to dazzle them at a moment’s notice, across multiple platforms.

In fact, B2B decision makers are now using a whopping ten or more channels during their decision-making journeys. That’s like trying to keep track of ten cats in a room full of laser pointers — chaotic!

So, what’s a savvy B2B marketer to do?

Well, 41% and 37% of B2B companies have been beefing up their spending on website development and digital marketing, respectively, according to a 2022 Sagefrog B2B Marketing Mix report.

It’s like they’re doubling down on their online presence, preparing for a digital showdown with their competitors.

Let’s Chat B2B Marketing Strategies​

Now that you’re armed with some digital know-how, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of B2B marketing strategies.

We’ll even throw in some real-life examples of companies that are nailing it, just to spice things up a bit. Ready? Let’s roll!

Best B2B Marketing Strategies & Examples​

1. Conduct In-Depth Market Research

Let’s be real, folks, you can have the most amazing product or service in the universe, but if you’re trying to sell cat pajamas to dogs, you’re in for a rough ride.

According to a 2021 Demand Gen B2B Buyers survey, a whopping 65% of respondents would rather pick a vendor who actually knows something about their company and its needs.

Shocking, right? So, conducting thorough market research is your secret weapon.

2. Market research

It is like sending out your very own detective squad to uncover the mysteries of your target audience.

You’ll figure out what makes them tick, why they’d want your product, and how you can outshine your competition. It’s basically Sherlock Holmes meets James Bond.

But here’s the catch: B2B market research ain’t no cakewalk. The B2B buying process is like a never-ending maze, and understanding your customers’ pain points is like trying to decode an ancient treasure map.

But fear not, there are ways to navigate this tricky terrain:
  • Understand your B2B buyers through audience and keyword research.
  • Spy on industry and brand-related conversations on social media.
  • Eavesdrop on what buyers are saying about your rivals on social media.
  • Dive into a sea of ratings and reviews.
To make life easier, you can use tools like surveys, interviews, focus groups, polls, and questionnaires. Just think of them as your trusty sidekicks on this epic B2B adventure.

3. Use B2B Mobile Marketing

Picture this: over half of the world’s web traffic is happening on mobile devices. That’s more mobile users than people who believe in UFOs!

And guess what? There are over 6.5 million smartphone users worldwide, and that number’s still climbing, like a mountain goat scaling the peaks of technology.

So, if you’re not hopping on the mobile marketing bandwagon, you’re basically missing out on a digital fiesta.

But how do you do it right? Here’s your roadmap to success:
  • Make sure your website, landing pages, and marketing emails are as mobile-friendly as a puppy in a tutu.
  • Reach out to your prospects with text marketing. It’s like sending them a digital love letter.
  • Create a swanky mobile app for your business to boost your street cred.
  • Spruce up your social media content so it looks dashing on mobile screens.
  • Launch a killer mobile PPC strategy.
  • Give your business emails a mobile makeover. Think of it as dressing your emails in a mobile tuxedo.
4. Use B2B Content Marketing

Content marketing is like the B2B marketing equivalent of making friends by baking them cookies. You’re offering something valuable, and if they like it, they’ll keep coming back for more.

In the B2B world, clients need more than a whiff of your product before they commit. They want the whole cake, with sprinkles.

According to a 2022 Content Marketing Institute report, a whopping 80% of B2B marketers have been using content strategies to spread brand awareness.

And guess what else? 75% of them are building trust, and 70% are playing teacher to educate their fellow businesses. It’s like they’re running an intellectual circus out there!

But hold your horses, cowboy. You can’t just toss any content into the digital wild west and hope for the best.

You need to create content that guides your clients through their buying journey. This means diving deep into the psyche of your target businesses, understanding their pain points, and delivering solutions.

With more content out there than you can shake a stick at (over 7.5 million blog posts published daily, to be precise), you’ve got to stand out.

So, 83% of B2B marketers are cooking up high-quality content, and 72% are serving up unique topics that their competitors wouldn’t even think of touching. It’s like they’re the chefs of the content kitchen.

HubSpot, for example, uses various content types to engage, educate, and convert other businesses. They’re like the culinary artists of B2B content marketing.

To whip up your own B2B content marketing strategy, follow these tasty tips:
  • Define your audience (think of them as your dinner guests).
  • Use keyword research as your secret recipe.
  • Choose your main content formats and marketing channels.
  • Cook up delicious topics that’ll tickle your audience’s taste buds.
  • Serve up content that suits different stages of the buying process.
Pro tip: Keep your content marketing efforts organized with a content calendar. It’s like the recipe book that keeps your marketing kitchen in order.

5. Build an Effective B2B Referral Program

Referral marketing is like the secret sauce of B2B marketing. It’s like having a team of business cheerleaders who shout your name from the rooftops.

These loyal customers or partners refer your brand to others in their network, and it’s like a chain reaction of trust and goodwill.

Why build a referral program, you ask? Well, here’s the lowdown:
  • Customers trust referrals more than a guy who promises to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
  • Referred customers are like the golden geese of loyalty and value.
  • It’s like adding rocket fuel to your customer retention, engagement, and market reach.
  • Existing clients are basically walking billboards, advertising your awesomeness.
  • Referral marketing delivers a return on investment that’s juicier than a ripe watermelon.
Examples of Referral Programs:

Take Mainstreet, for example, an enterprise B2B SaaS platform. They’ve cooked up a solid referral program. When their clients refer other companies using a unique link, they get a sweet $200 Visa gift card as a reward. It’s like a referral party with a cash prize!

Google Workspace also knows the power of referrals. They offer rewards to users who recommend their tools to newbies. It’s like earning extra credit for spreading the word.

To build your own B2B referral program, follow these steps:
  • Make your brand so awesome that people can’t help but talk about it.
  • Foster relationships with other businesses like you’re building a network of referral ninjas.
  • Decide which businesses to target and approach like a smooth-talking salesperson.
  • Craft a message so compelling that people can’t resist sharing your awesomeness.
  • Choose a reward structure and timing that’ll make your referrers do a happy dance.
  • Make it a piece of cake for people to spread the word about your referral program.
  • Promote your referral program like it’s the hottest party in town.
  • Automate the process so it runs like a well-oiled referral machine.
  • Keep tabs on your program’s success, like a coach tracking their team’s victories.
Pro tip: Invest in referral marketing software to make the whole process as smooth as butter.

6. Use Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Imagine having a superpower that lets you target your ideal leads directly, like a heat-seeking missile of marketing.

That’s the magic of account-based marketing (ABM). It’s like having a sniper rifle in a world of spray-and-pray marketing tactics.

ABM is one of the go-to B2B marketing strategies, used by over 30% of marketers today. It’s like having a secret weapon that lets you focus your resources on high-value accounts and convert them into loyal customers.

The beauty of ABM is that it’s like a chameleon. It can blend in with other marketing strategies, like content marketing and traditional marketing, to hunt down and engage business accounts.

Here’s why you should consider ABM:
  • It allows you to send personalized messages that hit the bullseye.
  • You use your sales and marketing resources efficiently, like a pro juggler with flaming torches.
  • It brings your sales and marketing teams together in harmony, like a symphony of success.
  • The sales cycle becomes shorter than a cat’s attention span.
  • It’s like a treasure map leading to a pot of gold (in terms of ROI).
  • You waste fewer marketing resources, so it’s like getting more bang for your buck.
To launch your ABM strategy, follow these steps:
  • Find and define your high-value target accounts, like a detective hunting down clues.
  • Research those accounts to identify the key players, like a spy uncovering secrets.
  • Create content and personalized campaigns tailored to each account, like a tailor making custom suits.
  • Decide which channels to use, like a sailor plotting a course.
  • Launch targeted campaigns that hit the mark, like an archer hitting a bullseye.
  • Keep an eye on your campaigns and fine-tune them for maximum impact, like a craftsman polishing a gem.
7. B2B Email Marketing

Ah, good ol’ email marketing, the Gandalf of B2B marketing strategies. It’s been around for ages, but it still works like a charm.

While most email marketing campaigns target individuals, B2B email campaigns aim to woo multiple decision-makers within a company. It’s like inviting the entire board of directors to a virtual tea party.

B2B email marketing wears many hats, like a master of disguise. It can generate leads, build your brand, distribute content, nurture relationships, boost customer retention, drive advocacy, support customers, and even make you a sandwich (just kidding about that last one).

According to a 2021 Litmus State of Email survey, 41.5% of brands consider email marketing crucial for their success.

It’s like the trusty sidekick in their marketing adventure. And with email’s popularity soaring, nearly 37% of companies plan to increase their email investments. It’s like adding more fuel to a rocket that’s already in orbit.

So, what kinds of B2B email campaigns can you send? Here’s a menu to choose from:
  • Announcements and updates emails, like sending out invitations to a VIP party.
  • Time-sensitive promotional emails, like offering a limited-time discount.
  • Events and webinar email campaigns, like rolling out the red carpet for a Hollywood premiere.
  • Case studies, like showing off your success stories.
  • Re-engagement emails, like saying, “Hey, we miss you!”
  • Follow-up emails, like checking in with an old friend.
  • Payment reminders, like gently tapping someone on the shoulder to remind them it’s their turn to buy lunch.
  • Curated content, like offering a buffet of helpful resources.
Example Time:

Take Asana, for instance, a web-based work management platform. They use email marketing to welcome new users with open arms, offering them a 30-day free trial and a rundown of the platform’s features. It’s like rolling out the red carpet for a VIP guest.