7 Reasons You Should Buy Handicraft and Handloom Products from WeAct Members


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In a world where industrialization has prevailed for centuries, a resilient industry led by rural women entrepreneurs across the globe persists—the handicraft and handloom sector. This industry has thrived since the inception of the first civilization.

Handmade products are coming back in vogue. As the trend shifts away from fast fashion towards sustainable and eco-friendly options, handmade goods emerge as the focal point of this revolution, providing crucial support to small industries.

The 'Vocal for Local', a prominent movement which begun in 2020, places the handmade crafts industry at the forefront of this revolution. Additionally, WeAct’s handmade products are promoting eco-friendliness, sustainability, and environmental well-being through ‘Vocal for Local’ exhibitions. When you choose our handmade products, you automatically and consciously reduce your carbon footprint and support the ethical sourcing of goods.

Here is why you should buy handmade products from WeAct members!


Our artisans think very carefully about the designs and use of the product, especially about the material they use. The majority of our WeAct members uses sustainable materials. By doing so, they help the environment and ensure the higher quality of the material.

There is a common belief that if a product is handmade, it automatically has sustainable materials. However, you need to check before you buy them. At WeAct, our members only use eco-friendly products that, in addition to being handmade, are made with reused and recycled materials.


Have you ever felt the difference between a hand-brewed cup of latte and a machine-brewed one? There is it! Similarly, WeAct’s artisan puts in a lot of effort and bespoke touches in the process of curating handmade pieces. Each item is made with skill, precision, and love. The abilities and thoughts of WeAct members make them use their artisan skills, which make every product unique.

The magic of hand-made products cannot be matched with machine-made things or any technological advancements. Handmade products prove to be more sustainable as they require less energy compared to mass-production assembly lines, where the work is mechanized.


Whenever you choose to buy any handicraft or handloom product, you indirectly encourage, albeit unheard, artisans to earn a livelihood out of their craft. It slowly expands their horizons. It also helps them earn global recognition.

Knowing that your money goes towards empowering rural women is invaluable. Members of WeAct can provide customized experiences that a big chain of businesses cannot provide. With a large chain of businesses, you cannot personalize your own design that fits your needs.

Check out our beautiful handicraft and handloom products for your home on the WeAct website. Our handicraft and handloom products also make the best hamper kits for your office celebration or housewarming parties.


With handmade products, you have the opportunity to give a truly customized gift. WeAct members love to accommodate their customers’ needs. Anything from a personalized cloth material to colours and designs, any item can be tailor-made to their specifications. Instead of spending hours searching for the perfect gift, you can save yourself time and give a custom-designed expression from the heart.


By purchasing handicraft products, you not only support the artisans but also help them keep the traditional arts alive. We live in a tech-driven era that has made everything so easy and within reach of our fingertips.

Leveraging the benefits of advanced technology takes a toll on our cultural identity. Our age-old skills in arts and crafts are getting lost, leading to the slow extinction of our handicraft products.

Hence, by supporting and encouraging WeAct members’ handicraft and handloom products, you also help pass on the skills to the next generation and keep the tradition alive.


Artisans registered with WeAct carefully choose from where buy the materials for their products. They usually prefer to buy from local suppliers, small stores, and local businesses. This may sound simple to you, but it is one of the most profound principles for a sustainable economy. Additionally, buying locally reduces the carbon footprint associated with that product, making it even more long-lasting.


Handmade products look much more original compared to those you buy in a store. By having small productions, it is very unlikely that you will find someone who has exactly the same product; they may just have variations in colour, size, or materials.

A meticulously crafted, handmade product ensures durability and longevity. Artisans meticulously focus on every stitch, cut, tailoring, and, of course, the materials. While sustainability may vary, they consistently opt for high-quality materials to safeguard the overall excellence of the final product.

A handmade product will last longer than just one season; it's no surprise that we all have a product or item of clothing that belonged to a grandmother and, thanks to its durability, has been passed down through generations as a family heirloom. Nowadays, it is very difficult for this to happen, but there is still time to leave these kinds of treasures as an heirloom for your family.


Products made by WeAct members matter because there is a human touch to it. Our products are crafted in an environment that nurtures our members. This is why you should buy handicraft and handloom products from WeAct members. You will not only help talented rural women entrepreneurs but also touch human lives with every purchase.

Please visit our website to learn more about our products, or call us at 080-23119361.












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