8 Psychology Hacks for Cold Emails šŸ§Š


New member
  1. Don't use HTML template
  2. Add ā€œSent from my iPhoneā€ at the end when you're following up
  3. Write the subject line in small caps
  4. Mention the recipientā€™s city
  5. Insert personalised Image
  6. Hire VA to personalise first-line ice breaker
  7. Use RE: in your Automated follow-up
  8. "Quick question" is so far the best subject line for cold emails
Which one is your favourite hack?
@taratorit Itā€™s debatable. Depends upon how youā€™re sending the follow-up email. Most email softwares doesnā€™t include the content of first email in follow-up, which makes it skeptical for inbox providers whether itā€™s a follow-up or just a gimmick.
@jane2468 Yeah the personalsied first line and "Quick Question" SL are undefeated.

I like to use variations of the SL like: "Quick question {{Firstname}}" or "Idea for {{CompanyName}}"

Wouldn't say it's a hack but when I'm cold-emailing businesses - I like to be short and to the point. For me personally, I'm just trying to get them to reply with something like "I'm interested, tell me more"
@isabelle44 Since I am new to this, may I please ask you three followup questions?
  1. What is an SMTP server?
  2. How is it different than sending from regular GMail?
  3. How to connect gmail to a smtp server?
@jane2468 Can you elaborate briefly on why for some of these? For example, replying with "sent from my iphone." Is that meant to look like you're responding immediately and while out showing you prioritize their needs?
@1shae123 Sent from my phone works well with follow ups.
When you manually send someone an email with an iPhone, it adds sent from iPhone at the end.

Now, if youā€™re using a tool to send automated follow ups, theyā€™re not going to know you did it with an automated tool. Itā€™s a psychology hack to trick them. I would craft my follow up email like this:

Subject: RE: {subject_line}

{first_name}, did you see my previous email?

Sent from my iPhone
@1shae123 I believe theyā€™re saying that the impact is to make an automated email seem like itā€™s not an automated email. People donā€™t run automation scripts from their phone (at least as far as I know) so by adding that it gives the impression that itā€™s a personalized email just for them as opposed to a template that was auto sent.