A Complete Guide To SWEAT Marketing


New member
Sweat marketing (n) - marketing that’s primarily driven by personal effort rather than a large budget.

Some businesses simply require marketing. You have to get your name out there in order to get some customers. This guide is for that. It contains every single sweat marketing method I know. The title, however is a LIE. At least it is without your help. I don’t know every single sweat marketing method in existence. But Reddit does.

Know a sweat marketing method that wasn’t listed here? PLEASE comment it below, along with your personal experience using the method. The more specific, the better. And I’ll also be testing any methods commented and updating the post with the results.

With that being said, let’s get into the guide.



Chalk marketing - probably the most known form of sweat marketing. You draw an ad for your business on the ground with chalk. Preferably in areas with high foot traffic of your target demographic.

Flyers - Some day they’re dead, some say they’re extra dead. I’ve never been personally successful with flyers, but that could be due to the nature of what I was marketing. From posters to door hangers to hand-out cards, they’ve all failed for me. One thing that slightly worked was windshield flyers for car washing. Interested to see if they’ve worked for anyone below.

Engagement groups - this is more digital than physical, but it’s still effort based. You earn the engagement of others by first providing engagement. Great way to slightly boost your post views/likes.

Cold LinkedIn Messaging - Great for anything B2B. If your ideal customer works at a business in the US, chances are they’re on LinkedIn. Use Sales Navigator (free trial) to find them, then send a personalized message to start a relationship.

Lawn Signs ADT. $0 spent on billboards but still huge recognition. Signs on the lawns of previous customers can be powerful. You can also include sidewalk signs in this category as well.


This is all I can think of for now. PLEASE comment any methods I missed below. I will be testing all methods left in the comments and updating the post with the info.

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