A HTTP/REST/WebSocket/GraphQL/gRPC API Testing Opensource Software Project


New member
Not sure if it qualifies as a side project, because it only solves a small partition of IT industry's problems and does not make any money at all.

This is an alternative to tools like Insomnia REST or Postman. I made this software because they all go to cloud, requiring a cloud account to use and leave major usability bugs unaddressed to the users. Also, some new protocols (e.g. gRPC and GraphQL subscriptions) are not well supported by them. As a frequent user, I created this project to make my life easier, also hoping to help people who have the same dilemma with me.

I first posted my software on another website. The response was very calm, like nobody else have the same problem. But similar opensource projects like Bruno receive lots of reputations when comparing the number of stars as mine. It is 10k VS 10. Is my project not necessary? Is my decision on choosing JVM a wrong starting point? I am a bit lost now.

And this is my project: https://github.com/sunny-chung/hello-http