A Humble Request to Fill Out Our 2 Minutes Survey! In Return, Take 15 minutes of my Time


New member
Hi Folks,

If any of you is a SaaS entrepreneur based out of the US and currently at the revenue-generating stage, I would like to make a humble request to you, to fill out this questionnaire (which will probably take 2-3 minutes).

In return, I give 15 minutes of my time to each respondent. Get feedbacks, discuss anything, ask your survey questions or I can run a brief desktop research for you as well (since I've a market research background). I am ready to serve the community in any way possible. :)

Our Survey Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...jqXddYGEl4gWJXEx9D-trGiA/viewform?usp=sf_link

P.S. - If, by any chance, this post violates any rules of this subreddit, please let me know.
@przemek I'll be honest.

Only 1 on Google Forms. But we have done 12-13 Zoom Surveys till now. Zoom surveys went great, but to arrange 1 such call, we've to put in a lot of effort. So decided to jump in like this.
@salea I appreciate your honesty. However, I'm not a fan of the method you're using to get respondents.

Before I say anything further, are you cooking a SaaS yourself? 😎
@przemek Oh! Great.

Thanks for the participation BTW! And fortunately, our participants helped us gain some useful insights about their FP&A function, especially about their regular involvements in these tasks. All in all, going good. But we want to expedite this process a bit.

Also, I am open to suggestions. :)
@salea You're doing pretty good in terms of validating your idea.

Have you started building a social following yet?

Or you plan to do that after building the MVP?
@przemek Thanks.

We were planning to do it after completing MVP, but like you, a few of our friends raised a point of doing it along with it. So, maybe we'll consider that.
@michellemariebru We want to be sure, the problems that we are targeting through our tentative solution are actually the top ones. We've done the requisite MR with existing clients, etc. at the beginning of this year. But now we are digging things up on a granular level with a major focus on US SaaS.
@salea It's much better, but the headline is still too long.

Here's some ChatGPT suggestions:
  • Turn user actions into email and push alerts.
  • Auto-notify based on what users do.
  • Act on user behaviors with auto-notifications.

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