A hyperlocal e-commerce app for sale


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E-commerce platform for sale

Hello group, I am Mohit, looking forward to sell a "Hyperlocal eCommerce" product which can be a Swiggy to buy anything and everything from the nearby Stores or Sellers. Due to whatever reasons after working for 5 months on product development and when the launch was just across the corner, we had to take the decision to drop the venture and we wish to pass it on to someone to whom it can be helpful.

Few important Points:
  1. The whole Technology is Launch Ready (version 1).
  2. Includes three apps for both iOS and Android.
    a. Consumer App, b. Seller App, c. Delivery Boy App.
  3. Product is Scalable and very flexible to develop further.
  4. The Super User APIs built.
  5. Designed and Developed by experienced team.
Will love to share about the tech stack and other details of the product, please DM if interested. Will love to give a life ahead to this product, Looking forward!

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