A lil short$$


New member
Just a Yes or No

I’m pretty sure I already know the majority answer because I’m in that financial position now where I would use this daily. So here is the scenario…

Say you have $100 but your bill is $150, you can classify yourself as a lil short $$. I think a ton of people are in this position every day and more will join if inflation keeps up or the economy takes a dump as predicted. What do you do? Ask mom for the millionth time? Could get a 3rd job, roll the dice at the casino or on crypto or even better pretend you know technical analysis and go yolo on stocks, or how bout gig work in your gas powered vehicle with $4 gas. Idk plenty of options a lot of risk tho. So here is the ask…

If a website existed (fyi it does not… Yet) where people of similar situations, just a lil short on $$, could go hang out for about an hour and 9 out of 10 would get that money they are short and just 1 loses 75% is that not an option that you would jump all over? Do you think this is something that should exist?
@live4christ2016 Where does the money you win come from when you sell your house for more then what you paid… the next buyer… each round cost double of what the last one did: profit for the seller “winner” and profit for the site