A mastermind program for indie hackers 🧠


New member
Hello friends 👋

Registrations are now open for the February cohort of the Indie Masterminds Program (For 3 days only)

Over the last 6 months we have had 16 cohorts and 50+ members go through the program and find value from the community.

Member have reported great results in terms of business success - more customers, revenue and most importantly, more focus on the things that matter the most in their business or side hustle.

In the weekly hot seat calls we've discussed every aspect of entrepreneurship -
  • Finding a profitable niche
  • Product Ideas
  • Validation
  • Pricing
  • Positioning
  • Sales and Marketing
The whole range.

You can read honest reviews and testimonials on the landing page.

I've opened up registrations for the February cohort yesterday. Announced it on Twitter and 2 people have already joined.

If you want in, then make sure you to apply from the link below 👇

Join Indie Masterminds

Here's the gist of how the program works -

You become a part of a group of 4 founders.
  • Every week the group meets for an hour long zoom call.
  • 1 founder has a hot seat every call.
  • They can share their challenges, pain points, new ideas.
  • Rest of the group brainstorms solutions to their problems during the call.
  • This repeats every week for 4 weeks.
  • There's a slack community for asynchronous feedback and accountability for your weekly goals.
Apart from this there are regular events exclusively for the community members where we discuss product ideas and insights around specific topics.

There's an external facilitator (me) to manage the logistics so the experience is hassle free for members.

I pitch in with my experience and knowledge as well. Especially in areas of copywriting, marketing, positioning and market/user research.

(My own SaaS recently crossed $2500 MRR in 6 months, so I try to share everything I can in terms of marketing and growth strategies)

Groups are assigned based on time zones, business model and business stage.

It's mainly for 3 types of solopreneurs:
  • SaaS founders (B2B or B2C software products)
  • Content Entrepreneurs (Podcasters, Newsletter writers, YouTubers etc.)
  • Service Business Owners (Freelancers, Consultants, Agencies etc.)
So if you fall into any of these categories, or if you're in a 9-5 job and want to eventually become a solopreneur then you will find value in the program.

There are also 1:1 curated intros with other founders in the community. So you will keep improving your network forever into the future at no extra cost.

There is no recurring fee for the community.

Pay once, and you're in forever

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions around what you will like to see in the program.

And I'll do my best to include it.

Last Date to join - 5th February


Ayush 🙏
@n0ble207 mmm... 0 comments make me sad, I will practice brutal honestly, ready?

what will I get from your "course" ? How my life will be changed after this course? Can you provide examples of what happened in the past?

2500MRR is a very low MRR to start selling courses about it ...

Sorry but it sounds scammy/very low value/opportunistic I think nobody will get in, I hope because probably they won't benefit in any way...
@sarath Haha.. sure thing..

First off, this is not a course.. It's a mastermind.. 4 founders get together and brainstorm solutions in a hot seat scenario every week.

We've already had 50+ members in the last 6 months.

You can check testimonials and reviews on the landing page.

But members have gone from having no product to $200 MRR in 3 days to $10K MRR in 3 months.

Different people join for different reasons. Some people need feedback on their idea, some need to refine their product and some need to find new growth channels.

If you're seasoned entrepreneur and $2500 MRR is nothing to you then this is not the right program for you. You should join an expensive mastermind that costs tens of thousands of dollars.

The goal here is to keep it actionable and learn from the experience of other members of the group all in a similar stage. And charge a fraction of what the old school masterminds charge.

Being "indie" can be hard and overwhelming, this is a small attempt to make it easier and bring clarity to the members

I totally understand if that's not what you're looking for.

Thanks 🙏
@n0ble207 can you prove what you are saying?

What products made $200 MRR and then $10k MRR? can you provide URLs and Twitter profiles of the owners so we can ask them how was their experience with you?

Ÿeah, I'm sorry I'm making much more than 2,5kMRR and I don't think people need a paid mastermind to do anything, best if they just go to build something without asking for permission or giving money to anyone.

startupschool.org is also free, indiehackers, etc... Do you provide any guarantee or money back?

Anyway... it's just silly, I just want to prevent others from failing in a trap like this, or at least make them ask for references, and not pay a mastermind to someone that cannot provide real past experience and just empty promises.

Why not do a mastermind about selling masterminds? For the responses here I don't think it has much interest, but you can sell it as easy money, and you probably know more about selling masterminds than helping founders.

Thank you
@sarath The results and the Twitter accounts of the founders are on the landing page.
And yes I do offer a 100% money back guarantee.
But I agree that this is not for everyone, especially since you're already doing so well with your business so you should consider masterminding with founders at your stage.

I'm sure there was a time when even you were starting out at 0 and some help or accountability would have been useful.

One more thing - You can offer mentoring to founders starting out here, your lessons can be valuable to them.

I'd be happy to pay for your time if you would like to speak at one of our community events.

We have external guests sharing their wisdom regularly with the community. I'm sure we all can learn a lot from you.
Let me know if that's possible.

The last thing I want to do is turn this into a mastermind about selling masterminds. Not playing that game, this is not a get rich quick scheme.
I've tried very hard to not make it sound like that. Would improve my posts if that's what it's sounding like.

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