A minimalist launcher for iOS - let 'er rip


New member
Product Description

Dumbify is a minimalist home screen launcher for iPhone users. Our customizable Home Screen widget provides a simple interface for all the apps that are most important to you. Dumbify turns your phone back into a tool, rather than an addictive piece of technology.

Target Audience
  • Digital Minimalists - those that practice simplifying and decluttering their devices (in this case their iPhone)
  • Those looking to reduce their screen time
  • Those that may feel they are a addicted to their phone
Market Size
  • There are over 2.2 billion active iPhones in the world currently, however the subset that would be attracted to a minimalist Home Screen launcher probably resides to those whom like clean, minimalist interfaces and/or want to reduce their screen time.
  • There is definitely a growing number of people concerned with the smart phone use, so the market size is growing.
  • There doesn't really seem to be much competition in the iOS space in terms of minimalist launchers.
Current Stage
Customer Conversion

We will be selling our app from the Apple App Store for a one time up front price. We are planning to run App Store Search Ads + do some promotional marketing on social media. The great thing is, most of our customers are on social, so that's probably the best way to reach them.

Why me?

I'm a developer by trade and love to build. I have always had a dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I can truly say that this is the first idea that I am extremely passionate about. It blends my love for coding + design + reducing phone addiction. I really hope that I can share this app with many people around the world.
@iamjezreel Roast: Wow another widget app, stop the presses we got a ringer here.

Roast2: A basic app that claims to be a world changing startup with a "waitlist" this widget app is going to change the way people use their phones forever.

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