A Modern Finance Subreddit Startup, r/EverythingFinance


New member
Hello! I'm the Founder and Moderator of r/EverythingFinance.

I started r/EverythingFinance with the intent of modernizing the presentation of Finance on Reddit. It's still a rather young Reddit but I can see it's potential. I feel that Finance subreddits are not appealing to a number of users because it doesn't inspire people to become more financially conscious.

Essentially, I am posting today to ask for advice/feedback on the subreddit.


@zushimaru I'm all for your sub and would encourage others to do the same

It would seem that the primary demographics on Reddit would not be pulled to your sub but the ones that would be interested would greatly appreciate it

It's certainly a topic more people need clarity on
@triston Yeah. I think it's all about how you present the information. I remember thinking Finance was boring when I was younger but once I learned more information about it, I love it. Hopefully, this sub will change that for the better!
@eccemachina That's ok! I like Wallstreetbets too. This is more focused on all things finance, as opposed to individual parts of it. This wont Kill another subreddit, it'll coexist with the others. This is more to get people excited about finance, which will drive more subs to all other finance/business subs as well.

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