A n00b's guide to finding a technical co-founder (63 dates later...)


New member
Hello! I'm a non-technical (PM) cofounder & I met my technical cofounder via YC's cofounder matching platform. It took me ~3 months and ~60+ engineers to find the right fit.


I've documented my process here, including: https://open.substack.com/pub/katwa...ical?r=7m3m4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

- Where to find potential cofounders

- How to vet for the best fit

- Recommended resources / links

I wouldn't have been able to find my cofounder without advice from friends, so this is me paying it forward. Enjoy!
@chocolatesquare Some resources:

YC's co-founder matching platform: https://www.ycombinator.com/cofounder-matching

- Free to sign up

- You fill out a profile, and then basically swipe right/left on other profiles (like a dating app)

- You can filter based on things like location, age, area of interest, etc.

- The platform puts you in contact with your match if you both "swipe right"

Turn your network into your personal recruiters: https://trybounty.io/

- Full discloser - I'm one of the founders of trybounty.io. I built this after the grueling journey of finding my own cofounder

- Book a 15 minute demo & I can walk you through it! https://calendly.com/katxwang/15-minute-demo-with-kat-referrallion