A platform to boost traffic for new/lesser known blogs


New member
If you are like me, you might as well have experience how difficult it is to get traffic for your content where you own the domain. (If you are publishing with Medium and Youtube the callenges are little different and that's not what this tool addresses). My tools are to help marketers with some homework before they set out to launch it in a big way.

Most blogs don't succeed in a competitive content marketing field, just because they make some common mistakes or fail to build networks. While learning from those mistakes first hand over past several years, I decided to combine those learnings in the form of a tool. And I'm constantly refining that tool to make it better (and still open to ideas).

Last week I happened to go through a major transformation after brainstorming with some colleagues and receiving valuable feedback from this group. And here's what I'm offering:

As of now, there would be 2 tools (backlinktome traffic potential beta and backlink potential beta) for making the life of solo-marketers and small marketing teams lot easier. (Another one is soon to be launched based on feedback on these 2.)

Tool 1: There are multiple reasons why contents fail to get initial traffic and 4 of the most common mistakes are:

a) failing to target the right keyword

b) not testing various aspects of the content (starting from headlines, images, opening paragraph to lot of other things) and

c) failing on on-page SEO stuff like page load time, meta tag, alt-text and so on.

d) benchmarking with competitors and making it better than others

First tool will help marketers to address all those problems by analyzing the content through part-human and part-machine interface to make the SEO right and suggesting the most optimum way to boost traffic by checking the website against a standard check-list. This is not just a SEO checklist but an overall assessment of the content on various parameters. It will come out with suggestion to change keywords, fix SEO related issues, improve content and test some aspects of it (like headlines etc.) wherever possible.

Tool 2: Once all points above are checked and content is good to go- both from copy perspective and by making sure it gives the best information compared to pages that rank for those keywords, it's time to get backlinks. There is another tool (backlink potential) that will find out potential sites with relevant content and accept guestposts or have an opportunity to link back (because of a broken link etc.) and give the content owner a ready made list to target those blogs or influencers.

Right now we are in beta and our service is free for all content marketers who want to launch using our platform. I hope this helps making a match between bloggers and audience with similar needs.

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