A product to deal with smartphone addiction


New member
“I’m going on Facebook to check a notification… 20 minutes later, I find myself lost in my newsfeed.” Does this feel familiar to you?

Hi folks, we’re developing with a friend a solution to help people better manage their relationship with their smartphone. As we're still investigating the problem, we don't have a clearly defined solution to present.

We’d really appreciate you helping us by answering this quick form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...aKnWdk3hr-daz02NNOUN-wQeA/viewform?usp=pp_url

Thank you all 🙏
@whiteknightnews I need this. In fact I stumbled upon this Reddit post from exactly what you’re describing.

My suggestion is that you make the solution itself addictive in some way. Create an addiction to counter the current addiction.

Maybe for every time you resist the urge to pickup your phone, you get a shot of cocaine.

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