A trend I have recently observed in this sub..


New member
I know this is not the most active community on reddit, but still there are 1-2 posts a day, which makes it fun and interesting to be part of this subreddit. However, I have been seeing an on-going trend, which really defeats the purpose of this sub.

1. This is roastmystartup, not roastmywebsite.

Too many posts are basically this. A website is not a start-up. A website is just an interface that allows you to visualize and communicate your start-up. However, as websites only show a fraction of the information about your start-up you won't get any feedback on your start-up (apart from most websites being subpar). Consequently, the comments you will get, all refer to improvements of your website. Nothing else. Go to facebook.com without logging in and tell me if you understand the problem they solve or their business model. The same applies to you.

If you want feedback on your startup or startup idea, please follow the sticky post. Here a quick link to it.

2. This is not an outlet to advertise your startup.

Posting a link to your website and copypasting the text of your website is not beneficial to anyone and should be removed immediately (I know this would probably hit the activity of this sub, but at the same time it might increase the quality of the posts). Obviously, you don't care about feedback and just want to get some easy visits, app downloads or registrations, so you can artificially inflate your KPIs and become more attractive to investors. You'll get the wake-up call latest at the investor's pitch.

3. I am not going to do the research for you.

Providing simply general information about your start-up won't get you any valuable feedback and I definitely won't look through you website to a) understand what you are even doing and b) find the flaws for you.

Tell us about (non-exhaustive):
  • your story
  • the customer need
  • market validation of your identified need and how you validated it
  • your value proposition
  • your business model
  • the targeted customer
  • your go-to-market strategy
  • and the problems you are facing
I hope we can see an improvement in the upcoming posts, because we all will benefit from it. Entrepreneurs, by receiving better and more tailored feedback to their actual start-up and we as a community, by reading better posts that make it worth to spend our time on writing feedback on your start-ups.

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