[Advice] A competitor emailed us that they're going to copy us. How should we respond?


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We're a couple of long-time Redditors who met on Reddit and are now asking Reddit for advice.

Received an email from a direct competitor. This mid-level new hire also invited us to talk. She is the second person from their company to create a Free account.

I love your ease of use so I signed up again to show people how good you’ve made the AWS integration experience over ours.

additional details in x/startups
@yaki I don't know what the context is. Are they complimenting you? Is that all the email says?

Where do you get that they are going to copy you?
@yaki The top answer in the other thread is the way to go. Embrace it. Work together, but apart. You will still be the David to their Goliath. Business is about relationships. Some people like big, some people like small. There is always competition.
@rh27 Interesting. Help us understand how would you see this working. They take large companies and we take small?

Thing is, we already deal with both large and small companies. The difference is that our customers come to us via our blog posts, work on GitHub, (re)Tweets, or search engine.
@yaki You can each do your own thing, but there will be times when you can refer customers to each other. It's better to have open communication so you can ask questions when needed. If you really get along there may be a time when you'll want to share resources.
@kindnessc We agree.

We created an API-only plan to allow others to easily private-label our offering.

Any suggestions on how to market it to would-be competitors?

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