[Advice] AliExpress Net-30? Payability alternatives for Amazon?

Hi All,
This is my first post in this sub, and I have a situation I hope many of you can relate to.

I am selling on Amazon, and I source my items from AliExpress. I am turning a 100-200% profit from each sale. However, I've run into some cash flow problems since Amazon doesn't disperse funds until 7 days after confirmed delivery.

I tried to utilize Payability, but they've been giving me the runaround. "Meet goal A within X days and we can do it." After X days, "meet goal B in X days." X days pass again, "oops actually meet goal C in X days." This has persisted for the last 2-3 months and I still don't have approval.

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a service/method similar to Payability. Their method works like this:
  1. Customers buy products for a total of X
  2. Payability disperses 80% of X to you the next day
  3. Payability disperses the rest when Amazon disperses, minus a 2% fee
This allows me to receive my funds nearly immediately, thus allowing for me to fill the orders. Has anybody successfully worked out a Net-30 style agreement with suppliers on AliExpress? Any other suggestions? I am at the end of the line with the holidays coming up and I do not want to miss the huge revenue potential.

TLDR; Has anyone gotten Net-30 agreements with AliExpress suppliers? How did you do it? Does anyone have any suggestions for alternatives to the Payability service?

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