[Advice] Fitness Study Help


New member
  1. Have you attended a new group fitness activity in the last 6 months? [Y] [N]
  2. Have you hired a personal trainer in the last 6 months? [Y] [N]
  3. Are you a millennial? [Y] [N]
  4. Did you use an app to book session? [Y] [N]
  5. If yes, which app?
@fatimaf This is a survey, not a request for feedback or advice. I'll leave it up. The sub is going to revise and enforce the rules more in the near future. I'll also answer it.
  1. N
  2. N
  3. It depends on whose interpretation since this is not explicitly defined
  4. N
  5. N/A
Are you making a fitness booking app? You'd have much better results talking/reaching your target demo unless it is business owners/founders. Hit the streets and talk to people in person. You'll gauge up close reactions as well. Also, are you refining your questions to get the MOST value and insight.

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