Advice for a 21 Y.O. college student with little to no experience?


New member
I want to start working part-time so I could stop relying on my parents on school expenses but the problem is I don't have experience and i'm not sure if I'd be able to land a job.

The only experience I have with "work" are art commissions online. I've made decent money off it but it's a hit or miss, I'm having trouble getting clients these days — all of my clients were foreigners if that helps, i've also "worked" for my aunt, making social media posters for her business.

I have basic knowledge on Office 365, I can write e-mails, I have a decent laptop and earphones (with mic) and decent internet and of course I can draw digitally. I'm really willing to learn on top of that.

Any advice? what job should i apply for? where should i look?
@paul1963 r/phcareers

You're basically looking for work or 'alternative employment', not business. Wrong sub.

Freelance ka as graphic designer. Target market mo should be corporate for more money. Don't target 'individuals' for art commissions na for personal pleasure lang.

I have basic knowledge on Office 365, I can write e-mails, I have a decent laptop and earphones (with mic) and decent internet

These are already prerequisites for someone working, not really an advantage today. Your only advantage is you can draw digitally + probably you have a good artistic side.

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