Advice for a small SaaS that gets 1-3 new paying customers each month


New member
Hello all! I built and maintain SliderUI - a SaaS that allows users to build and embed image sliders onto their own websites. It has been live since 2017 but I have recently rebuilt it and started advertising it on my open-source jQuery slider plugin bxSlider. I was hoping that I could describe the stats and traffic of the app and ask for help regarding next steps.

Here is a breakdown of the app:
  • On signup users get a 7-day free trial that includes all features
  • To continue using the app, the cost is a one-time payment of $1.99 USD
  • Unique visitors per month: ~1,100 (mostly referrals from bxSlider)
  • Free trial user signups per month: 90-120
  • New paid users per month: 1-3
My questions:
  • How do I start talking with users about what problems they have? Is it off-putting to email users whose trials have expired? Should I email paid users about their pain points?
  • Should I re-evaluate the pricing model to be higher or possibly a monthly subscription?
  • How can I think about generating more traffic to the app? I am hesitant about posting to communities with the fear of being perceived as spammy or sales-y.
Thank you in advance for any and all help.

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