[Advice]Need help collecting client payment information so they can be charged at a later date


New member
Hi! My name is Malik and I’m the owner and operator of Dapper Crew, a clothing delivery service that sends my clients boxes of clothes for below retail.

It works like this:
  1. Clients signs up, completes their Style Consultation, and pays a $75 Style Deposit to Order a Box
  2. Their stylist (me) puts together a box of clothes for them and ships it out to them.
  3. Once they receive their clothes, they have 5 days to decide what they want to keep and send back whatever they don’t
  4. I charge them for the clothes they keep after the 5 days.
I’ve updated my very basic site a couple months ago by doing the following. Clients can now…
- create an account and edit basic information
  • do their Style Consultation online via a Typeform that’s embedded onto my page (previously I had to call each client. BIG TIME SUCK and clients often didn’t answer. Clients now answer it right away)
  • Order a Box: I charge a $75 Style Deposit for each box requested. This deposit goes toward any purchases they make. I currently also collect this via a Typeform that has a Stripe integration.
The problem I’m having is that I don’t have a way to access the client’s payment information for when I have to ultimately charge them for the items they decide to keep. So I have to call them before I ship their box to ask for payment information. This is obviously not ideal and holds up the process.

I would love to hear ideas on what I can do so I can charge my clients the initial $75 Style Deposit as well as keep their payment information on tap for when I need to charge them the remaining amount without having to call for payment information.
@saintmachar I highly recommend stripe despite recently having a negative experience with them... that should speak for itself. (They deemed a recent project too high-risk for their platform)

@stevede So Stripe is able to store client's payments as a token for later charging but it's quite complicated. Why do you recommend incorporating Stripe with Samcart?

Also, I should mention I'm running the profile/login portion of my site through Wordpress.
@saintmachar There is a great WordPress plugin for stripe. Stripe is a leader for subscriptions, your business, no matter how you explain it is a subscription box business.

You just need to pay for the premium plugin for Stripe for WordPress. It will take care of everything for you. It's really simple, and I think only a $99 license.


It's great for keeping it simple.

About Samcart.

I like Samcart's simplicity and I also like that they manage the affiliate program, stripe integration and email integration... not to mention they are kind of awesome at retention marketing. I have looked at a couple subscription platforms... this is my favorite so far.

(This is at their $200 a month subscription)
@stevede The concern I have with Stripe is this:

While everyone is charged the $75 Style Deposit for every box they order, the price that I charge them later is not necessarily the same for every client.

Does Stripe allow me to do a manual charge with a custom amount later (give or take 2 weeks later)?
@saintmachar Honestly I don't know, that sounds like an unnecessary complication that could be fixed by charging a flat rate with variable margin rates with a floor / ceiling built in.

I have seen the ability to send invoices like that with Square, but if I was running a high end fashion box, I would minimize the amount of interactions I have with my subscribers where they could feel any "pain" that could motivate them to unsubscribe.
@stevede It is a sad day indeed, for one of our own has decided to leave us. Let's honor JamesBellefeuille with a stroll down memory lane. The following links will lead you to /@stevede's MVP moments in /r/growmybusiness.

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  • Hey... one thing at a time. You have to ...
  • Honestly I don't know, that sounds like ...
  • There is a great WordPress plugin for st...
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