Advice needed on a domain acquisition for a startup


New member
How much is a domain like ' flew .ai ' worth? I'm trying to acquire an Ai domain for our startup

The .com version of it is listed as 10 million USD which to me is maybe a bit too much but i've seen 4 letter .ai domains go for 25k to 200k USD.

What would be a realistic offer?
@tctruongson It all depends on what stage your startup is in, what your core product/service is, and how critical branding matters at this stage. I work with a lot of early stage startups and always recommend buying alternative versions and rarely ever recommend spenders by more than $1000 on a domain. If you’re pre-revenue, then I wouldn’t even think about spending money on a flashy domain.
  1. Purpose and need for the domain
  2. .ai might be able to give a competitive edge. But at what cost and ROI
  3. Current and future of the startup idea
  4. Have you explored alternative ways which could give you same results
  5. What are the methods same domain experts done previously