Advice on Growth Hacking a B2B2C Business


New member
Hey there,

My company has recently pivoted to a B2B2C business model.

We (B-1) have our customers (B-2) integrate our software marketplace solution for end users (C).

Our business model is Rev Share with our customers on the end user purchases made in software marketplace solution.

Since our business depends on the behaviour of end users ie. end users making purchases on the integration with our customer, understanding and ultimately influencing their behaviour is very important.

I have a few questions about this.

What are good metrics to track? Is it still funnel metrics: aquisition, retention, ect. over end users or is their a more appropriate set of metrics?

How can we influence the behaviour of our end users to do funnel optimization in a B2B2C world?

End users won't know about us as a brand - as the integration is white label. We also can't market on behalf of the customers company (or can we?). Any advice here would be much appreciated.

@august10181 The best way to look through growth is to plan your the flow to each part of your funnel. There are various metrics to consider focusing on especially if you’re in SaaS or a Marketplace. In this case building platform liquidity for B2C is key while having a separate flow for B2B as well.
(growing this in tandem is a challenge so make sure to plan it right from day 1)

It could look something like

acquisition —> % of new users
Activation —> DAU/MAU
Retention —> N day retention rate
Etc etc

Best is to plan your growth and product stack early so you can collect data and understand the behaviours early.

You could look throu blog

They’ve got lotsa free hacks and advice on your lean stack to prepare for growth and product.

Hope this helps :)

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