AI-driven SDR that brings new clients


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Hello everyone! I’m the founder of SallyAI. You can utilize our service to automatically identify thousands of ready-to-buy prospects and send personalized, research-based emails and LinkedIn messages at scale.

We recently started working with Enterprise in the US. Our Sally AI crawls the web, collects and aggregates the data, and presents it to the SDRs. Sally is already saving SDRs 20% of their time! So far, it's been a paid pilot for 2 months, but from the initial feedback, the sales team is very happy with it. Once we sign them up for an annual contract after the pilot, I'll be able to tell what kind of company they are, but their clients include SpaceX and other big names!

Thinking about the evolution of SDR's role, I'm sure that the SDR of the future will be the operator of AI models like Sally. So, if you are interested in integrating Sally, DM me.