AI SEO YouTube Channels 📈


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AI SEO Automation Guys whom I follow on YouTube:
  1. Julian Goldie
  2. Jesse Cunningham
  3. Income Stream Surfers
  4. LearnWire
  5. WordAtScale
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@jane2468 Seo automation has ruined the quality of the open web, it has enabled spammers with text soup articles to dominate searches and these YouTubers are here to cash-in on it.

sigh thanks google for contributing to the decay of the open web with your bs search engine design.
@jane2468 AI hasn’t raised the quality beyond a shallow level. Yes it can make your content sound better. But is the content good enough? What about people not fact checking it? It has become an easier way to spam and build domain authority or whatever seo people call it.

All these practices have done is pollute the open web with spam and this just makes it better quality spam if nothing else. Sure there will be good ones out there but the bad actors will be more in number.

Somewhere actual creative content writers are being cornered by these practices.

I’ve no beef with you, it’s just my 2 cents on this.