Alcapod Engagement PODs


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What is Alcapod?

Alcapod is a FREE Google Chrome extension that helps you boost your LinkedIn growth by enabling you to reach a much bigger audience when sharing your content.

How Alcapod works?

People gather in groups called 'pods' within the tool, and then when one of the pod members creates a post and shares it to the pod, other members like it.

How to join Alcapod?
  1. Use your desktop PC (not mobile phone).
  2. Make sure you are using Google Chrome as browser
  3. Click and add Alcapod to your Chrome
  4. Once added, a small icon will show up on top right of the browser
  5. Click the icon and create an account by signing up (define a username that allow group moderators to verify your LinkedIn profile, to avoid spam members).
  6. Click join and enter secret codes to request joining pods.
  7. Once joined, copy/paste URLs of your posts in the feed, name it and publish.
  8. The pod will start engaging members to your posts.
PLEASE only request to join the POD that you live/work at, moderators will reject requests joining other countries PODs. Here is the list of Alcapod secret codes.
  • Engagement POD - Australia Only: 4clgY1ao5L2A6RJ2q7Ts
  • Engagement POD - Canada Only: FKsNt8LAgVp8dlgfnnqQ
  • Engagement POD - US only: 2sldj1Jv4eNPtm5rxtHR
  • Engagement POD - South America: wavJzT2eaYTDIHkbUgll
  • Engagement POD - Europe: rueDwkuuaAQHCz42tRJ4
  • Engagement POD - Germany: V56c9g6EcpSwEwKgPIvl
  • Engagement POD - Spain: mSxz501HA5EwtB7bylFl
  • Engagement POD - Italy: cYPBcLehwBuylDO2exQN
  • Engagement POD - UK: sdmLl2C5J3vcyR4dUTrX
  • Engagement POD - Netherlands: 5yhwhH7CfTAlNsuoOXHQ
  • Engagement POD - France: BvgMDIlJMNv9LbWKbBXd
  • Engagement POD - Asia Only: 5saNbq9GcYdTidBcGh2O
  • Engagement POD - China Only: ZQ4VRDaGOBOkYEpF4Bpi
  • Engagement POD - India Only: YEe3GAXzGz15gClblNwY
  • Engagement POD - Middle East: OZ2uPv76VJ8bJLV60ClY
  • Engagement POD - Iran Only: 9I8mveCqc54Q7SH1KAcN
  • Engagement POD - Africa Only: K8eOEPLuwf9coGXhge32
Why Alcapod can increase your content outreach?

Every time you post something, your content appears in the feed temporarily. During this stage, LinkedIn’s algorithm bots look at how your audience engages with the content.

If they’re liking it, commenting on it, or sharing it, that’s a good sign you’ll make it through to the next filter. Therefore, engagements are most useful in the first 3 hours to trigger the algorithm for extra post reach.

Joining Alcapod groups allow you to achieve that early engagement and trigger the algorithm for extra post reach.

Best practices using Alcapod?
  1. Connect with every pod member on LinkedIn as soon as possible. Mention the pod you’re in through the connection request so they know to add you. Any time you join a new pod, do this. People that come after you will do the same.
  2. Engagements are most useful in the first 3 hours to trigger the algorithm for extra post reach. Auto-commenting is most valuable in the first 30-60 minutes. Boosting old posts for vanity metrics is not how to safely use pods. Make new posts and boost them. Let the past go.
  3. Add one URL at a time into a pod. Instead of cramming a bunch of URLs in the queue, add one at a time. Wait at least a half hour before adding another URL. Smaller pods can be used more than 2 times a day. But larger pods should not be.
  4. Stagger your pod engagements. Space out the pods that will engage over time. Drip-feeding engagement after the first 3 hours looks organic to the algorithm.
@fellipe Hello,

If you are a project or contract manager and want more Linkedin visibility, please join our pod (Secret code): MgBTuMGOagVEz2IHrq4W
@fellipe Are the pods region/country specific only? Do we have any pods for industry/skillsets? like - Marketing, Growth Hacking, IT Services, Cloud services, etc.? Would be happy to join such