Algorithmic platform for post creation


New member
TikTok boasts an exceptional algorithm primarily focused on recommending user-generated content.

Its strength lies in analyzing metrics from millions of users and their interactions with content, which enhances the effectiveness of its algorithms.

Imagine a platform that not only gathers these invaluable metrics but also utilizes them for more than just a recommendation model—specifically, for post creation.

Take an LLM (like GPT) today, have it generate posts, and accumulate interactions and responses from millions of users. Train the post creator model with this vast dataset, and you can effortlessly develop a content creation bot that surpasses any copywriter, comprehending relevant details better than anyone.

The success of other platforms can be attributed to their ability to monitor vast amounts of data.

Post creation involves two key components:
  1. Identifying relevant content on the internet, tracking events, and determining the best topics for posts.
  2. An LLM model that transforms any piece of information into a post, complete with a title and other essential fields.
Both components can be trained using user data.

I'm actively developing this concept further.

If you have compelling ideas to contribute or simply find this intriguing, join my Discord:

Additionally, there's a demo featuring a feed of posts and a chatbot:

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